DOMA Unconstitutional
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "An
older poster that doesn't participate here
any more said something that quite wise. He
said "anybody that thinks God got nicer in
the 'New Testament' hasn't read The
Revelation". He will punish those outside
Christ for their works. Thank God!"
Thank God we win (Eph
4:3, 2 Co 6:15-16, Mt 10:34, Re 22:20).
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22),
considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24),
punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom.
1:24, 26, 27).
"It is better to tell the truth that hurts
and heals than to tell a lie that comforts
and then kills." ~ Adrian Rogers
Eccl 7:5,
Pr 27:6
Gay lobby's next target: Benefits in all 50
Bill Clinton Hails Court for Striking Down
Defense of Marriage Act--That he Signed into
Response to comment [from other]: "The founding fathers founded the country on good, solid, social and political theory, with religion specifically excluded from the process. Perhaps you could quote back the part of the constitution that describes this Christian country you refer to?"
We were founded as a
Judeo-Christian nation.
Freedom Ribbon
The Reason for Setting Aside the Nation
"Get a Jew saved and watch out!"
Ro 10:2,
Re 14:1-5
~ David Jeremiah
14:1 a
Lamb. See note on 5:6. Mount Zion. The city
of Jerusalem, where Messiah will return and
plant His feet (cf. Pss. 2; 48:1,2;
Is. 24:23).
one hundred and forty-four thousand. See
note on 7:4. name. The counterpart to the
mark of the beast. It is the stamp that will
identify the 144,000 as belonging to God
(see note on 13:6)...
7:4 One
hundred and forty-four thousand. A
missionary corps of redeemed Jews who are
instrumental in the salvation of many Jews
and Gentiles during the Tribulation (vv.
917). They will be the firstfruits of a new
redeemed Israel (v. 4;
Zech. 12:10).
Finally, Israel will be the witness nation
she refused to be in the OT (see notes on
Rom. 11:2527).
all the tribes of the children of Israel. By
sovereign election, God will seal 12,000
from each of the 12 tribes, promising His
protection while they accomplish their
7:9 a great multitude. While the tribulation
period will be a time of judgment, it will
also be a time of unprecedented redemption
(cf. v. 14; 6:911; 20:4;
Is. 11:10;
Matt. 24:14).
all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues.
All the earths people groups. white robes.
See note on 3:4. palm branches. In ancient
times, they were associated with
celebrations, including the Feast of
Tabernacles (Lev.
Neh. 8:17;
John 12:13)."
The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J.
MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Re
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]:
"Even if we'd been founded as an
explicitly Christian nation...well, what of
it? What does one mean by "Christian
nation," anyway? A nation by and for
Christians only? Christians preferred?
Non-Christians need not apply?
"...We're theonomists--we believe in God's law as he wants us to use it.
We...believe that the government should reflect God's law on our books." ~ Bob
Our Difference Denver Bible
Church (right click, open)
Response to comment [from other]: "...I always took free nation and freedom of religion as meaning "freedom of and from religion"."
"The world is not going to be ticked pink that we are in their back yard." Jn 15:20 ~ Bob Enyart
"We believe God gave unique commands to the body of Christ.
We believe Israel is not part of the body of Christ.
We believe all the world is under the law but that believers are only under grace.
We believe that God commands us to judge.
We believe that Christians will judge the world on judgment day.
We believe that God expects us to firmly rebuke those that sin.
We believe you should only forgive those who repent.
We believe that God is alive, that he's not stagnent, but that God can change.
We believe that there is time in heaven and sequences of thoughts and events.
We say that God cannot do the irrational and he cannot know the unknowable.
We deny that every crime and every perversion is part of God's perfect plan.
We do not focus on understanding evil; Rather, we war against it.
We decry wickedness in our public institutions and do not excuse it.
We proclaim that public schools are the enemy.
We declare that God instituted family, church and government.
We believe that God has an opinion on what our laws should proclaim.
We believe that we should seek God's opinion on government above that of men.
We believe that the Bible is a criminal justice textbook.
We seek to recriminalize: abortion, homosexuality, adultery and pornography.
We see that the death penalty is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ...
...We are open, dispensational theonomists with an attitude." ~ Bob Enyart
Our Difference Denver Bible
Church (right click,
"We= you...not the rest of us..."
Correct (Ga 2:3-4, Isa 8:20).
Federal Judge Orders State to Offer Benefits to Gay Partners
Response to comment [from other]: [DOMA struck down] "Anyone surprised? I'm certainly not."
"Tolerate is no longer a word. Tolerate means
celebrate." ~ Dennis Prager
Lev 18:22,
1 Ki 14:24,
Ro 1:24,