Dating is a Failed
Modern Experiment
[Bob Enyart Live radio program] A+ show!
"Dating" related to prostitution? As in "Hey Sailor, care for a date?
Move over Sophocles (Ingraham).
Download and listen to the MP3.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "How does that differ from dating other than the shorter than normal time frame and the presence of a 3rd party with considerably influence?"
It is worth your time to download and play the MP3. Dating and courtship are two very different things--one is modern-day prostitution. The other is for the purpose of (a successful) marriage.
Response to comment [from an agnostic] "...[U]sing weighted language such as "corrupt" or "innocent" is inappropriate for an essay like this, as they are matters of opinion..."
I don't think this young lady holds your
syncretist view of the world (did Israel in by the
She recognizes sin and exposes it. Are you suggesting we continue along the path
of more: venereal diseases, depression, and increased suicide under the guise of
How's that working out for people today?
When you do things God's way, it leads to a good life (Jn
10:10). When God says don't do it--he means
don't hurt yourself.
Dirty dogs don't get fine
young women like this. Her future husband will be blessed indeed (Pr 31).
"An essay (or 'paper' as it's been rather ostentatiously labeled) isn't an appropriate medium for expressing an opinion like that."
This is what all professors say.
They do not want their student's opinions at all.
"It's fine that she holds it..."
Then why all the fuss?
"...but if she feels she must raise the point in her writing then she shouldn't be calling it a 'paper' and pretending it's a serious piece of academic writing."
It couldn't be serious if it disagrees with your worldview
(queue the pipe smoking professor in ivory tower). I think she's well on her way
to becoming a good writer. Could it be you are not "tolerant" of her position at
It's the integrity of the writing that concerns you.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "[T]his gal doesn't even know who or what she really is or wants, and won't for quite a while."
I don't think she's buying what you're selling (1
Jn 2:15). You'd like to suck her into your
depravity wouldn't you? You and your little perv' dog too.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Wait so I should lie about being Christian and pretend so I can find a proper wife? The audacity of it. The audacity."
You get the pole dancer whose tat's will fade with the
years. Young Christian men who work on keeping their minds pure get the fine
Christian women who do the same
18:22). You think God is going to bring his
best to the likes of you? You're the type of feen we keep our children far from.
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "[T]he point of an essay is to be objective and fact-led."
Is she a journalist? There are all types of essays. Which type of essay was assigned?
"[S]he's being given the false impression that she's written an academically strong essay when she hasn't."
She researched and knew what she was talking about. I don't know how good her writing skills are but her if they are anything like her speaking skills, she's an all around brilliant young woman. I wonder if she goes to Denver Bible Church. They seem to be raising some amazing Christians over there.
"My objection is not to her distaste for dating, it's her ineptitude at constructing an argument."
She discussed this history of dating and gave her opinion. She did a fine job. You don't like her opinion.
"What the world are you talking about? If your (lonely) imagination is rotten and twisted I'm not the one to blame."
Brian fits you well. Bottom's up (Re 22:11). γνῶθι σαὐτόν (know thyself).
"...[Y]ou don't have a single original thought in your head...and I can actually read and translate Greek..."
And Klingon patok...
"...not just copy and paste it..."
You don't care for the info getting out? :peach: You'd like to silence the critic? :yawn:
"Given who and what Enyart takes for "experts" and "scholarship" this isn't very surprising."
Enyart is not to your liking? Not your
cup of tea?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Well, if it's being presented as a research paper, then presumably an academic one. If she were writing an opinion article then it shouldn't have been formatted as a paper."
You researched the type of paper assigned before your
critique of her style?
"...[T]here's very little evidence of her having read any material opposed to her argument..."
Living in a sex-obsessed culture does not give her an idea of the liberal's position? Now she is required to argue for the liberal? Is she permitted to hold another view?
"...a body of quoted research does not a convincing argument make."
Backward sentence former you are Yoda.
"If she were to hand this paper in at a university I can almost guarantee it wouldn't get higher than a 2:2..."
A liberal university? You're being generous.
"It's just not a very well-argued essay."
She is free to share her opinion as it is a leftist view
(Eccl 10:2).
[You don't like her opinion.] "I couldn't care less what her opinion is."
What motivates you to oppose her?
[You researched the type of paper assigned before your critique
of her style?
"The type of paper assigned is obvious because of the academic paper format."
What type of paper was she assigned?
"...And I've read enough real academic papers to know that a lot of what she said is inappropriate for a school essay.."
So you say. Many professors like to hear their student's opinions.
"...let alone a genuine piece of scholarship."
She is a sixteen year old student not a scholar.
[Living in a sex-obsessed culture does not give her an idea of the liberal's position?] "No, it doesn't. In fact, your statement is meaningless."
The statement is either true or it is false. It is not meaningless.
[Now she is required to argue for the liberal?] "Any good essay will show awareness and consideration of other viewpoints..."
Are you certain that she was assigned an argumentative or analytical essay not a cause and effect or interpretive essay? types of papers
"As I said before, an essay written in favour of dating that completely failed to acknowledge any possible arguments against it would be equally weak."
Cite the source you used to determine her assignment. May we have an example of your best work at age 16? We could compare and contrast.
[What motivates you to oppose her?] "The fact the she and others are being misled into thinking that she's written a good essay..."
So your motivation is personal.
"I wish the freedom to share an opinion automatically meant the ability to write a good essay. However, it doesn't...[I]t's not going to get her or those who seek to be like her anywhere if they keep being told that badly-written essays are excellent work."
If you were her teacher what grade would you give her?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [γνῶθι σαὐτόν] "Try it sometime and get back to me, liar."
I'm flattered that you'll do Google search for little
ol' me.
"My sperm cells are mine (Gamera)."
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Many professors like to hear their student's opinions.] "But an objective essay..."
Cite your source. How do you know what type of paper was assigned?
[She is a sixteen year old student not a scholar.] "In that case, Enyart shouldn't be treating her work like it's a real paper."
Her work is a real paper--a real paper from a real student. Did Enyart misrepresent who she was and what she was doing? Did he misrepresent her age?
'A sex-obsessed society'. What does that mean? ...It should also be noted that not all liberals have the same opinion."
Who said all liberals hold leftists views?
[May we have an example of your best work at age 16? We could compare and contrast.] "The difference is that when I was 16, I didn't pretend that my essays were pieces of serious academic scholarship, and neither did ridiculous fundamentalist talk show hosts."
Then you will not mind sharing an example of your work. Please provide an example of this girl claiming that her work is scholarly.
[So your motivation is personal.] "Obviously the girl is never going to read this discussion, but yes..."
[If you were her teacher what grade would you give her?] "It depends. At GCSE, a decent grade and certainly an A for effort, although I would definitely point out that while the referencing and use of sources is very good, it's lacking in certain fundamental qualities of an essay..."
What quality does her paper lack? Not agreeing with you? Would she get the A+ had she attempted to forward your leftist view?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "...[I]f an argument doesn't hold water..."
Her argument does hold water. Her view (Jn 10:10) is godly and it leads life and health.
"She's trying awfully hard to sound like one [a scholar] and Enyart treated her as such."
Do you mean she is doing her school work? Enyart treated her with respect. He made no claim that she was a scholar. He interviewed her. She gave her opinion based on her research.
[Are you certain that she was assigned an argumentative or analytical essay not a cause and effect or interpretive essay?] "She didn't succeed no matter which option she was assigned."
Of course she didn't succeed to your mind. You are a leftist (Eccl 10:2). All views are permitted except for those that differ from yours.
Tactics of the Left
[If you were her teacher what grade would you give her?] "Probably a C-."
Get your kids out of the godless public schools. Granite (a Satanist) is not unlike liberal professors at most universities.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [The author of the paper] "The prerequisites for this research paper, as questioned earlier, were to find a topic we felt passionately about and to prove it with our research in a 7- 9 page paper.
It was a pleasure hearing you on radio. Thank you
for your research. I certainly learned something.
Dating is a Failed
Modern Experiment