Dead birds falling from the sky: caused by nature, caused by man, or a sign of the apocalypse?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[T]hey
been signing the apocalypse for several hundred years now."
Think anything will change?
2 Pe 3:4.
"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!" ~ Dr.
Peter Venkman. Hos 4:3
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Fish too..."
Rivers too...
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[D]ead birds mysteriously raining from the sky is a clear sign that they crossed into the field of energy hiding an alien mothership..."
truth is out there.
200 Cows Dead in Wisconsin: Does it affirms Biblical Prophecy?
[From: The Signs of Christ's Coming Part 3:
Matthew 24:6-14
by John MacArthur] "...[i]f we put the composite together we get
famines, earthquakes, pestilences, fearful sights and great signs from
heaven. That's all going to mark that end time...
...And notice what it says at the end of verse 7, "in various places."
In other words, these things aren't going to happen here and there from
time to time. But they're going to come in large doses in many places at
the same time. So though we have had disasters, never to this extent and
on this wide a scale in the history of the world. You see, the whole
world begins to self-destruct when sin runs rampant.
See, the Lord has restrained sin. He is today. He is restraining sin for
the preservation of His people, for the preservation of His earth. But
when He takes that restraining back, when He removes the restraint, and
I believe that is concurrent with the Rapture of the church, the church
is taken out so that we're not even here when all these things happen.
We go out beginning at the beginning of the Tribulation. We're taken
out. Then comes the Tribulation..." Full text:
The Signs of Christ's Coming Part 3: Matthew 24:6-14
by John MacArthur
How 'bout those cows?
Sweet Potatoes? Or the beginning of the birth pains?
Lk 21:11.
Dead birds
falling from the sky: caused by nature, caused by man, or a sign of the