What Is The Point In Belief If Death Is The End Anyway?
Response to comment [from other]: "The gist as I see it is that there isn't much point at all. If life has been created, and we as humans have been given the capacity to grow, develop, learn, love, think, feel, hope and reason then the idea that a creator has given us all this only to take it away at physical death makes no sense to me. What's the point?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[E]at of it and you will surely die (Gen.3:17)."
"That's right. "The soul that sins, it shall die (Eze
This life is a probationary period. Either we trust our work (Jude 1:11) and
keep God's laws (over 600, or boil down to ten (Ex 20), or two (Mt
22:38-39) [Geraci]) or we trust Christ's
finished work (Jn 19:30).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "We don't escape the first death... but we can escape the second and finale death."
Hi Ps82. I agree with what you've said. When a young man dies early, for example. It could be that God prevented him from a coming evil and subsequent loss of eternal rewards.
In our fallen world, women have miscarriages. But it's not supposed to be that
way. Death is an enemy (1 Cor 15:26). The world was good once (Ge 1:31). It no
longer is. We see a remnant of that perfect world, but now the whole creation
groans and travails in pain together (Ro 8:22).
Jesus has conquered death (Ro 6:9; Re 1:18). He is our only escape from a second, eternal death (Joh 3:16; 8:51; Ac 4:12).
"Victory to my Lord--not to the devil."
That's right. We win. He looses.
Response to comment [from a Christian] "It's nice to agree."
Hi Ps82. Yes, I think we agree that when we are born in Adam we are all headed to hell. We must be born again in Christ to avoid a second death. For those that hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and fail to respond--it would be better for them never to have heard at all to reject so great a gift (Jn 12:48).
What Is The Point In
Belief If Death Is The End Anyway?