:banned:Defense Department honors Muslims:  Muslim Prayer Service at Pentagon


'Muslims mark Ramadan, prayer rugs and all, within the walls of the Pentagon itself (courtesy of Justin Elliott at Salon...)" Story.


...While the :Nineveh: "Christian" president celebrates another Ramadan dinner (Pr 22:6), "...Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country..." (including :CRASH:killing Americans).  Story.


"By their fruits ye shall know them." (Mat 7:20, WBS).

Muslims remove children's faces with piano wire in front of their parents as punishment for "crimes". 

This 19-years old girl's nose and ears were cut off for daring to run away from her abusive Muslim family.

What's New? :idunno:

2010.08.10 (Kabul, Afghanistan) - Blood and body parts are scattered about following a double suicide attack that leaves five Afghans dead.

2010.08.10 (Helmand, Afghanistan) - Five local security personnel are killed when Islamic fundamentalists fire a rocket through their vehicle.

2010.08.09 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - Muslim terrorists stab and partially behead a young plantation worker.

2010.08.09 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Three traffic cops are taken down by Jihadi bombers.

2010.08.09 (Badghis, Afghanistan) - A pregnant woman accused of adultery is whipped 200 times and then shot three times in the head by Islamic fundamentalists.

2010.08.08 (Bekasi, Indonesia) - A mob of hundreds of Muslims chase and beat Christian worshippers after disrupting their service.


Religion of Pieces  http://www.vananne.com/revivalforsurvival/#Religion_of_Pieces_(Michael_Savage)