Design without a designer
[Design without a designer
by Dr. Gary Parker] "Darwin
grew up in an England that acknowledged a biblical worldview. When he wrote
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, he had witnessed a
world full of death and disease. How could this be the world created by the God
of the Bible? Evolutionary ideas offered people an alternative to a supernatural
Creator. Life may appear to be designed, but it is just a product of random
changes over millions of years of earth history. This offered people a
“scientific” means to reject God and believe in a naturalistic view of the
universe. Michael Denton suggests that the chief impact of Darwin’s ideas was to
atheism possible and respectable in light of the evidence for a Designer.
Darwin’s ideas fostered an environment where God was no longer needed—nature was
all that was necessary. Darwin’s ideas ushered in a pagan era that is now
reaching a critical point. The idea that the appearance of design suggests a
designer became an invalid argument in the eyes of evolutionists." Evolution
Exposed. Second Ed.
Design without a designer, Parker.