Dirty Minds?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...She has bue-tee-ful skin don't cha know..."
How dare you
judge prostitutes.
On traits of the Left:
"They release their venom on those who hate evil--not on evil itself."
~ Dennis Prager, Why do Women Fall in Love with the Scum of the Earth?,
29 May 12.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Judge Rightly (Is not some guy's name)
Response to comment [from other]: "Being that this thread has nothing to do with prostitution, this is just more of same..."
This gossip thread is retaliation for
this thread.
2 Co 12:20 Anyone who
disagrees with TM has a dirty mind.
"ψιθυριστής, οῦ m: one who habitually engages in gossip—‘gossiper.’
πεπληρωμένους πάσῃ ἀδικίᾳ … ψιθυριστάς ‘they are filled with all kinds of
wickedness … they are gossipers’
Ro 1:29." Louw, J. P., &
Nida, E. A. (1996). Vol. 1: Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on
semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.) (434). New York: United
Bible Societies.
"...ACW using any old excuse to sling his boring insults and you, playing the role of cheerleader."
ACW condemns prostitution.
Do you disagree with him? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [To other] "I'm just messin['] with another pagan who goes out of her way to defend your filthy disease ridden lifestyle any chance she gets."
There is no debate with the Left. They must caricature
their opponents
because they cannot win the arguments (Prager).
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Tactics of the Left
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Previous thread discussed unladylike behavior] "As for the thread at large: Yes, there is a prurient, voyeuristic, deeply disturbed (and disturbing) obsession with sex that is quite prevalent throughout American Christianity, specifically evangelical Christianity...It's perverse, plain and simple."
The Satanist can teach you to act ladylike.
1 Thess 4:3 McGee
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [(ACW's condemnation of prostitution
in The Sexually Aggressive Thread) How dare you
judge prostitutes.
"Wow...classy SD."
Did you
agree or disagree with ACW?
[Opposed the immodest/ACW opposed prostitution link] "You couldn't get much more UN-lady like than you..."
Ad hominem
"And you kinda proved the whole point of my thread...so thanks."
Proof please
Eph 4:14,
Isa 5:20
[This gossip thread is retaliation for this thread.
2 Co 12:20 Anyone who disagrees with TM has a dirty mind.
after pretending to believe that I called her a prostitute] "Wow. Paranoid,
much? This was actually in response to naz's Star Trek thread..."
You're projecting again.
Let the
reader decide.
Eph 4:14
"Oh...and references to my former state of mental health mean very little to me...since I was set free by God and Him alone."
So you say.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10 Who supposedly
brought up your mental health?
A few housekeeping items:
The quote link button helps the reader know to whom you are responding.
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: [
Ad hominem] "Seems to be all you ever say..."
Only when someone uses commits an
ad hominem fallacy.
"...maybe because you're an idiot?"
Ad hominem
"Anywhoo, I wouldn't feel comfortable in such a durty durty thread without TH and Spitfire."
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Tactics of the Left
[Who supposedly brought up your mental health? :sleep:] "Oh, see...the prostitute dig kinda backfired so, I just naturally assumed that someone as low, nasty and generally abhorrent as you would take next step down and take a dig at...well, you get the idea."
Proof please.
Summary Dirty Minds?
Who supposedly brought up your mental health?
"My mistake, I guess."
Are you a martyr?
"Oh! Would you go away! Nobody cares, SD."
"Being on the Left means never having to say you're sorry." ~ Dennis Prager Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Eph 4:14
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "I like it when you quote someone SD, you save me a lot of time - it means if you agree with them, I never have to read that book because it's doomed from the get-go."
We read material from leftists and
You will notice that I link to some of those sources
for the purpose of discussion here.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[S]ome people thrive on unkindness. And they just won't go away."
Some people
start a lot of gossip threads.
For we hear that there are some which walk among
you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies [2
Thess. 3:11].
"Here we are told the situation. There were some who were not working at
anything constructive. They were not interested in getting out the Word of God,
but they were busy—they were busybodies. They were really making a nuisance of
themselves, and they were causing trouble in the church in Thessalonica. It
takes just one bad apple to spoil the barrel; it takes just one little fly to
spoil the ointment; and one fanatic in the church can affect the spiritual life
of a great many people. That is the reason Paul had said before that they were
to withdraw themselves from the ones who walk disorderly, and I’m sure he had
the busybodies in mind. They were busy as termites and just as effective as
termites in the church at Thessalonica."
Now them that are such we command and exhort by
our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread [2
Thess. 3:12].
"This doesn’t sound very spiritual, does it? It doesn’t sound very theological.
But it certainly is practical. It would solve a great many problems in the
average church if the busybodies, the troublemakers, would work with quietness
and do something constructive. It is interesting that the man who was the
biggest troublemaker in any church that I served was the smallest
contributor—and I found that out by accident. The treasurer of the church was
talking to me about the trouble this fellow had been, and I said, “Well, he is a
man of means; and I suppose a very generous giver, and he naturally is
interested in how his money is being spent.” The treasurer looked at me and
laughed. He said, “That man gives ten dollars a year for the Lord’s work!”
Believe me, he certainly gave us more than ten dollars worth of trouble! There
must have been people like that in Thessalonica. Paul says that they were to
quietly go to work and mind their own business." McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the
Bible commentary (electronic ed.) (2
Th 3:11–12). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"We must work around them as best we can."
Are you a martyr, too.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[S]erpentdove...would you kindly bugga off. (Australian slang)."
"An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman, however wrong he might be." ~ Steve Martin
"Go away."
Qui s’excuse, s’accuse. He who excuses himself accuses himself. ~ Gabriel Meurier, Trésor des sentences
"Please stop derailing my thread."
"And oftentimes excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse."
~ Shakespeare, King John
[Still pretending to believe I called her a prostitute]
SD: [(ACW's condemnation of prostitution in The Sexually Aggressive Thread) How
dare you judge prostitutes.]
TM: "Wow...classy SD."
Did you agree or disagree with ACW?
Sorry...didn't notice you had posted. I was busy doing something interesting.
Did you agree with ACW and I in
our condemnations of immodesty and immorality?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [We read material from leftists and conservatives.] "How many of you are in there?"
We (conservatives
read material from the Left and the Right. You (liberals
tend to live in echo-chambers.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [How many of you are in there?] "Legion Commune?"
"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test."
Lev. 19:15-16,
Rom. 1:29-30
"It might occur to you, if you would stop looking in the mirror, that very few people care what you think? You condemnations belong to you and they are legion."
"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test."
Lev. 19:15-16,
Rom. 1:29-30
"Backbite — to speak slanderously or spitefully about
a person (Ps.
Rom. 1:30).
Backbiting involves an element of deceit and cowardice. It should be avoided
by Christians." Nelson’s new illustrated Bible dictionary. 1995 (R. F.
Youngblood, F. F. Bruce, R. K. Harrison & Thomas Nelson Publishers, Ed.).
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
25:23. As surely as an Israelite could
predict the consequences of a north wind, so one can predict the
consequences of a sly tongue (lit., "a tongue of secrecy," i.e., a
slanderous tongue). One brings rain and the other angry looks. Slander leads
to anger. However, in Palestine rain does not normally come from the north.
So perhaps this saying originated outside Palestine." Derek Kidner, The
Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary, p. 160.
5:9 "What is your name?" Most likely, Jesus
asked this in view of the demon’s appeal not to be tormented. However, He
did not need to know the demon’s name in order to expel him. Rather, Jesus
posed the question to bring the reality and complexity of this case into the
open. Legion. A Lat. term, by then common to Jews and Greeks, that defined a
Roman military unit of 6,000 infantrymen. Such a name denotes that the man
was controlled by an extremely large number of militant evil spirits, a
truth reiterated by the expression "for we are many." The MacArthur Study
Bible. 1997 (J. MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Mk
5:9). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Being you appears to mean never having to say much of anything...repeatedly."
...Anything that you don't like.
Jn 13:16,
Eph 5:17,
1 Co 10:15,
Isa 40:3-4
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, the fruit test
"An egotist has "I" trouble. He's full of self." ~ Adrian Rogers
Pr 13:10
...Anything that you don't like.
Jn 13:16,
Eph 5:17,
1 Co 10:15,
Isa 40:3-4 ] "Hey, look
everybody, I got SD to use her own words for a second."
Ad hominem
"There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing
that can exist is an uninterested person." ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
Jud 1:12
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Guys: Do yourselves a favor and put serpentdove on ignore. Otherwise shut up with your complaining, because you're just being gluttons for punishment. I am sick to death of TOLers who demand trolls stop killing their threads and then masochistically aid and abet those same trolls. She's a smug, inveterate, self-obsessed liar..."
Proof please.
"...Why in God's name would any of you waste time reading her posts or engaging with her?"
Tell them how you side with them Satanist.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[D]o you just start typing and see what happens?"
"Never explain—your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway." ~ Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book
[Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book] "...[H]e was a charlatan..."
Ad hominem
[Gilbert K. Chesterton] "You think Chesterton would be on your side?
Red Herring
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
Are you a Roman Catholic?
Transubstantiation Divine Miracle or Deceptive Hoax
[Are you a Roman Catholic?
"No, nor Orthodox."
"Are you a slave of Christ?"
"...How do you read, "This is My body, this is My blood?""
We share communion in remembrance of Him.
What is the importance of the Lord's supper / Christian Communion? Is Christian
Communion a memorial to Jesus' death and shed blood?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [We share communion in remembrance of Him.] "Yes, of course, it says that right where it says, "This is My body, this is My blood." We're using the same source."
It says that right where it says: Do this in
remembrance of me.
Lk 22:19, KJV
"The harm in believing what the Lord said at face value, both to "eat this bread, and drink this cup" in remembrance, and, "This is My body, This is My blood," is what exactly? I'm not getting it."
Transubstantiation is
one of many false teachings of the Roman Catholic
[Evangelicals and Catholics Together by John MacArthur] "Roman Catholicism
teaches that the communion wafer is transformed through a miracle into the
literal body of Christ and the wine is transformed into the literal blood of
Christ. Trent stated, “The whole Christ is contained under each form of the
communion elements” (Trent, sess. 13, canon 3). Therefore, whoever participates
in the Mass actually eats the flesh of Jesus Christ, and the priests who partake
of the wine actually drink His blood. This is the doctrine known as
Its corollary is the teaching that every time Mass is said, the sacrifice of
Christ is offered over again. “A true and real sacrifice” is offered to God in
the Mass and “Christ is given to us to eat” (Trent, sess. 22, canon 1). Rome
believes that the “Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and
Blood. He did this in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout
the centuries until He should comeagain.”19
That nullifies the crucial biblical truth that we have been sanctified through
the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands
daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can
never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all
time, sat down at the right hand of God” (Heb
10:10–12, emphasis added).
There is no more need for daily sacrifices or an intercessory priesthood.
In fact, those things have encumbered the Roman Catholic system with pure
idolatry. Each Mass features the holding up of the consecrated wafer (“the
host”) and the bowing and worshiping the communion elements by all present. The
Council of Trent ruled,
If anyone says that in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist, Christ the only
begotten Son of God [in the form of the wafer], is not to be adored with the
worship of latria [worship due God alone], also outwardly manifested; and is
consequently neither to be venerated with a special festive solemnity, nor to be
solemnly borne about in procession according to the laudable and universal rite
and custom of Holy Church; or is not to be proposed publicly to the people to be
adored and that the adorers of it are idolaters—let him be anathema (Trent sess.
13, canon 6).
In other words, the host—the transubstantiated wafer—is deemed worthy of the
kind of worship reserved only for God..." Full text:
Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Also see:
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph Communication
Response to comment [from other]: "...She reaps what she sows."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Serpent, as you might know, is a cafeteria Christian..."
Do you mean cafeteria
[Trust in God's word] "...Catholics don't have the option. It's not a
smorgasbord religion...The Catholic Church actually condemns Roman Catholics
with anathema unless they believe all the infallible dogmas of the church." ~
Mike Gendron
Vid. Does the Church of Rome Worship a Different Jesus?
Response to comment [from other]: "Are you still here?"
Are you still trying the no make up look?
Response to comment [from other]: "Beautiful people such as TM don't need make up..."
"Optimism - the doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly." ~ Ambrose Bierce
"Sounds like the words of an extremely pessimistic and unpleasant person..."
Ad hominem
You'd have to ask him.
"...How surprising that you would repeat them."
I quote both the righteous and the wicked.
"Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are
impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by
the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included." ~ Karl Marx