Praying to the Saints. Do you pray to a Saint? If so, which ones and why?
Bury a St.
Joseph statue upside down in your yard if you'd like to sell your house (Isa
Ho 11:2).
"...[O]ver-priced "kits" that show you how to do it..."
Full text:
Burying Saint Joseph to Sell Your Home De 4:28;
Ps 115:5,7.
I think a 10-year reduction out of Purgatory for your long lost friends and
family is on sale now for the low, low price of four hundred bucks (Luke
Limited time offer.
Not available for TN or kingdom residents (Ro 8:1).
Is prayer to saints / Mary biblical? Why do Roman Catholics believe in the
praying to the saints and Mary?
What are Christian saints according to the Bible? Are saints a select group of
Christians that lived especially godly lives?
Is worship of saints / Mary biblical? Why do Roman Catholics believe in the
worshipping the saints and Mary?
No Purgatory
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Yes."
Departed saints
cannot hear you (Lk 16:26).
Idolatry is forbidden (Ex 20:4,5, 1 Sa 28:14,15, Jer 18:15).
to the Saints. Do you pray to a Saint? If so, which ones and why?