Do you want Obamacare to be repealed?
working out great.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[Laura Ingraham link] Marx"
What do you think of the facts?
"Blue Shield of California seeking cumulative hikes of as much as 59% for tens
of thousands of customers March 1..."
"...[U]ntil we see a direct accounting of how these rate hikes are attempting to be justified..."
What do you mean "until we see"? We have already seen. I suggest your re-read (and re-visit) the link from time to time. Do you think it's right to steal from others so that you can have healthcare? Ex 20:15. Are you a covetous person in general? 1 Tim. 6:9–1.
"...[S]omething is drastically wrong with our model..."
Our heathcare system is the best in the world.
Liberals will destroy it (Jn 10:10). Do you believe in every "crisis"
coming from the Left?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Visit Laura Ingraham's "America Under Obamacare" link from time to time] "I read the one you provided. I noted the claims."
Check in once in a while. She's presently on
day 239. It's not pretty (Jas
"I think taxes aren't theft..."
God required a tenth (even that was voluntary). Why
our government require more?
Lev. 27:32,
33 What percentage over
ten percent do you propose?
Hab. 2:9. Covetousness is
theft. If you need something, ask the Lord for it (Mt
7:11). Get your hand out of your neighbor's
pocket (Ro
Does a man have a right to keep the money he's earned or would you prefer people
pool their resources together?
Ge 11:3-4,
"All animals are equal."
~ George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 2
"I'll be your huckleberry..."
You're no daisy (Col. 3:5).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I don't see a point in your use loose of scripture here as there's no necessary connection between it and your point and less argument to bridge the two."
Stealing from people is wrong (Ex
20:15). Democrats would have you believe that
stealing from others is necessary for the greater good. Recall Alan Grayson's
claim that the Republican plan was:
"Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"'
The buffoon is gone (I think he posts at TOL now in the form of Barbarian). But,
as usual, liberals charge others with what their own wicked hearts desire (Jer
Jn 10:10,
Eccl 10:2). Liberal
polices harm people. They do not help people. They promise to spread wealth but
in reality they only spread misery (1
Ti 6:10) and poverty (Pr
28:22). Thomas Sowell calls this "stage one
We do not do evil that good may come from it (Ro
3:8). God cannot bless that (Jas
Jer 34:17). Obama is not
the first to want socialism. "Nimrod founded Babylon. He realized if the people
would look to the government, they would no longer look to God (Enyart)."
"[T] lawful...theft...isn't..."
How much is enough? Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5. Where in the Constitution does it say that government can tax people at different rates? Jos 7:21. Why would you want someone else's money? Pr 28:20; Mic 2:2. Pay for your own healthcare (Ps 10:3).
"The provision for the sick, isn't an "evil gain"."
If you need help, ask your church, family, and friends (Mt 25:36). You do not steal from others (Ex 20:15).
[Col. 3:5] "The scripture you provide is, again, inapplicable."
Do you resist the temptation to be taken care of? Covetousness is not attractive (Col. 3:5, 1 Tim. 6:9–11, Hab. 2:9, Ps. 39:6). Do you want to live in the land of opportunity or the land of coddling?
"In many ways I think we would be a much better country
if we acted a little more like Europe (
"...[T]he Amish aren't robbed when their taxes pay for a military they wouldn't raise."
Taxes should not be over ten percent (Lev. 27:32, 33). Our nation needs a strong military. Too bad the Amish deny this.
[Grayson ""Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!""] "...[H]ow is that relevant to our discussion?
It's a misrepresentation of conservative's position. It is right to care for people. It is wrong for government to be involved in healthcare. Our Constitution allows for people to come to our country to make something of themselves. We provide opportunity. Our government should not care for others from cradle to grave.
Liberals and healthcare: Charge others with what their own wicked hearts desire
Jn 10:10,
Eccl 10:2).] "If they want to see everyone covered by healthcare then
how can you sustain that charge?
They value equality. We value liberty. They prefer socialism. We prefer free markets. They spread misery. We spread opportunity.
"And, as usual your scripture assumes a linkage you haven't made before attempting to slap it on there..."
Liberals believe that people are basically good. Conservatives know that the human heart is wicked (Jer 17:9). Do their policies: kill, steal, and destroy? Jn 10:10. They are humansits. They believe that their wisdom is greater than God's. They'll even call themselves Christians. They'll do God's will as long as he happens to be going their way. The moment their opinion collides with God's revelation, they worship the god of self (idolatry). They are fools (Eccl 10:2).
[Liberal polices harm people] "That's too general."
[From Dennis Prager Time Fights Carbon Emissions;
Military Fights Evil, ] "It is much easier to fight global warming than to
fight human evil...
The first thing it explains is that liberals, not to mention the left as a
whole, stopped fighting evil during the Vietnam War...[W]hereas liberals had led
the fight against Nazism before and during World War II, and against Communism
after the War, the liberal will to fight Communism, the greatest organized evil
of the post-War world, collapsed during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War did to
American liberals what World War I did to most Europeans — it rendered them
anti-war rather than anti-evil...
Second, for much of the left, the cover reflects the primacy of environmental
concerns over moral concerns. For example, the left seemed never to care about
the millions of Africans who continued to die from malaria largely because of
the environmentalists' worldwide ban on the use of DDT as pesticide. The same
holds true for another leftwing environmentalist fantasy. Changing corn into
biofuels is causing a surge in food prices throughout the world. The European
Union continues this policy despite warnings even from some environmentalists
that food shortages, starvation and food riots are imminent. But human suffering
is not as significant as environmental degradation...
Third, the left is far more internationalist — global, if you will — in its
orientation than national. As the Time article states, "Going green: What could
be redder, whiter and bluer than that?" Whereas, for most Americans patriotism
remains red, white and blue, for much of the left it is green.
Fourth, the further left you go, the more inclined you are to hysteria. From the
threat of DDT to the threat of heterosexual AIDS in America to that mass killer
secondhand smoke, the left believes and spreads threats that, unlike the threat
of Islamic terror, really are "scare tactics..." Full text:
Time Fights Carbon Emissions; Military Fights Evil.
[From Dennis Prager Why a Town in Iowa Sought to Abolish Good Friday]
"There really is a war against Christianity...
Leftism functions as a secular religion, and its adherents understand that the
major obstacle to the dominance of Leftist policies and values is traditional
religion, specifically Christianity. With the demise of Christianity in Western
Europe, Leftist ideas and values came to dominate that continent. America, the
most religious industrialized democracy, remains the great exception..." Full
Why a town in Iowa sought to abolish Good Friday By: Dennis Prager
Also see:
Why I am not a Liberal
"...[I]t's debatable that he [Obama] even wants socialized medicine given his near eagerness to avoid it in compromise."
How eager was he before his self-described "shellacking"?
[Where in the Constitution does it say that government can tax people at different rates?] "...[It] is up to it and us to determine."
Living and breathing?
"No man is an island..."
"It's my island." ~ Stephen, Braveheart
"[W]e all benefit from our collective contributions."
"All animals are equal..."~ George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 2. Ge 11:3-4, 11:7.
"Most people can't afford a police force, an army..."
It is the federal government's job to provide defense. Is is not their job take over healthcare (Deut. 1:13–15; Josh. 9:11).
[Do you want to live in the land of opportunity or the land of coddling?] "Do you have any idea how greedy and hard this sort of declaration makes you appear?"
How the mighty have fallen (2 Sa 1:19).
You are projecting again. Godless liberals believe that they can
attain heaven in this life. Heaven is a just place (Heb. 12:22,
"Is health care for children whose parents can't afford it coddling? Is an education coddling? I'm almost waiting to hear you mention poor houses and suggest a segment of our population decrease its surplus."
You'd like to pick your neighbor's pocket (Ex
20:15) to give others: healthcare, an education, a house...Is that
all? What about a car? TV? Cellphone? Job?
These are
rights to your mind?
I'm greedy?
Why don't you
concentrate on your responsibilities rather than your rights?
[Humanists: Man's opinion trumps God's word "They believe that their wisdom is greater than God's (1 Sa 2:3; Job 9:4, 36:4; 37:16)." ] "Another emotionally charged declaration..."
Do you believe you are nicer than God? Who makes decisions based on emotion--liberals or conservatives?
Nicer Than God by Bob Enyart
["You'd like to pick your neighbor's pocket (Ex 20:15) to give others..."] "Careful, SD. Don't sell your soul in an emotional fit."
If you would like the money that someone else earned by their own labor, does that make you covetous? Mr 7:22,23, Eze 33:31; 2 Pe 2:14, Eph 5:5; Col 3:5, 1 Ti 6:10, Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5, Ps 39:6; Ec 4:8. Is that consistent with Christianity? Eph 5:3; Heb 13:5.
You reject the biblical principle: Do not steal (Ex 20:15).
[Equality vs. liberty] ", an education, a house...Is that all?"] "A house?"
liberals have argued that a house is a basic right. Do you agree?
What about a car? Is a car a basic human right? A job?
Is a job a right also?
"Education? I believe it's a birth right."
Who should pay for your education?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]ry answering my question about the poor and healthcare."
I have.
"You still have yet to male the theft case in relation to taxes."
We disagree.
"What you do for the least of these..."
I'd kill zem. Kill zem all.
That is the Republican plan isn't it?
...And I'm not a Republican.
[You reject the biblical principle: Do not steal (Ex 20:15).] "That's a lie, spoken against a brother in Christ."
I thought you said you were a good lawyer.
Why do you accuse me of lying?
We disagree. I'm sure you believe you are right. If you'd like to
actually be right, you'll agree with me.
...And I don't smoke.
"That you would attempt to compare human life, which is what we're talking about with healthcare, to the possession of non essential material benefits goes to your desperation and lack of argument on point."
Must liberals make a
crisis out of everything?
[Discussing the topic of healthcare "...[T]ry answering my question about the poor and healthcare."
I do not believe the federal government should be in
the business of healthcare. It is not their role. I do not believe that tax
payer money should be squandered on
Obamacare. You have the right to pursue happiness.
People had access to healthcare in our system. There are ways to improve this
without stealing from others (Ex
"[Y]ou lied."
Let the reader decide.
[Liberals make everything a crisis.] "...[T]hat's you lying again."
Let the reader decide.
"I'm not and never have been a liberal."
"Not nobody! Not nohow!" ~ Cowardly lion, Wizard of Oz (and I do mean cowardly).
Spiritual Cowardice
"[Y]ou lied."
But you have a drinking problem.
[Spiritual cowardice] "...I've championed causes with the full knowledge they would bring me widespread opposition, even among my friends (see: the Muslim center in New York)..."
Were you for or against the Mosque? Jer 7:6.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I see she decided to add another lie to the list..."
But you have a drinking problem.
Reach behind your back and find your backbone.
"You can't be the land of the free if you're not the home of the brave." ~
"Newt" Gingrich
Lying accusations] "A sold demonstration of how you arrive at your conclusions."
You don't advance your agreement by continually calling your opponent a liar.