Do you agree with White House press corps dean Helen Thomas?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "White House press corps dean
Helen Thomas — on the day that the White House hosted a Jewish Heritage
Celebration, no less — said that Jews who live in Israel should “get the hell
out of Palestine” and go “home.”
When asked where home was for Israeli Jews, Thomas offered “Poland, Germany… and
America and everywhere else” that the founding generation of the State of Israel
originally hailed."
She should not have been fired (retired
People should know the hearts of media members (Pr
8:36). Leave them out there to speak (Mt
P.S. Anti-Semitism is Satanic (Ps
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "We should thank her for saying openly what a lot of people in the media are thinking."
Eisenhower ordered
photos be taken of the concentration camps so that
people could never deny the atrocities of the holocaust.
"Ever notice, the ones who deny the holocaust are usually the same ones who want
to repeat it?" ~ Dennis Prager
Jews have been gracious in their reaction toward Thomas. Maybe they do not wish
to upset people further.
Suddenly it's sheik to hate them again.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[S]o why are they liberal? [A]nd isn't that a good reason to hate them?"
Do you hate Jews?
you agree with White House press corps dean Helen Thomas?