Do you believe in ghosts?

Nephilim are still here (Ge 6:4). They are disembodied spirits. Fallen angels have their own bodies. Nephilim are "[l]ow ranking disembodied foul spirits or imps (Ge 10:8). These angels “kept not their first estate” (Jud 6). Fallen angels are of a higher rank in the kingdom of darkness (Is 14:12–15)..." Full text: Is Mahavatar Babaji an eternal being?

The Great Physician still heals today, yes (Is 53:5).

Angel4Truth View Post
Ghosts, no, they are demons pretending to be something else.

Right. They aren't deceased loved ones or aliens.

As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be (Mt 24:37). If ones takes the mark of the beast, his DNA is forever changed. He becomes a Nephilim--a giant, a beast, a freak (Ge 10:8). These men will become possessed permanently.


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Do you believe in ghosts?