Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson kicked off A&E
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
Think he could
have rephrased?
Would you have banned
him for similar comments here?
The controversial statement:
"...“It seems like, to me, a
vagina—as a man—would be more
desirable than a man’s anus. That’s
just me. I’m just thinking: There’s
more there! She’s got more to offer.
I mean, come on, dudes! You know
what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s
not logical, my man. It’s just not
Response to comment [from a
Satanist]: [Statement from
Phil Robertson from your link] "I
myself am a product of the '60s; I
centered my life around sex, drugs
and rock 'n' roll until I hit rock
bottom and accepted Jesus as my
Savior. My mission today is to go
forth and tell people about why I
follow Christ and also what the
Bible teaches, and part of that
teaching is that women and men are
meant to be together. However, I
would never treat anyone with
disrespect just because they are
different from me. We are all
created by the Almighty, and like
Him, I love all of humanity. We
would all be better off if we loved
God and loved each other."
link] "...[A]ny apology he'd
offer would be insincere."
His sincere
belief has no merit?
Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev.
18:22), considered an abomination (1
Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev.
20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).
["Think he could have rephrased?
Time's up.
The answer was: yes, he could have worded it better (Ro
"While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were
coarse..." Full text:
Robertson Family Official Statement
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Just keep him but blur his face. That way he can stay on and we can still enjoy his contributions and the gays can not be offended cause they won't see him."
His face has a
lot of character.
Response to
comment [from a Christian]: "...[I]s
it just me, or is it very weird
they'd be offended by Phil's words
describing their behavior more than
...their actual behavior?"
For it is a shame even to speak
of those things which are done of
them in secret.
But all things that are reproved are
made manifest by the light: for
whatsoever doth make manifest is
light [Eph. 5:11–13].
"We are to “have no fellowship with
the unfruitful works of darkness.” A
child of God simply cannot go along
with the “works of darkness” as
light and darkness cannot mingle in
the physical world. For the things
done in secret by them are even
shameful to speak of. We are not
even to talk about them.
Rather, we are to “reprove” or
convict them. This does not mean
that the believer is to become a
reformer. It does mean that by the
light of his life he is a rebuke to
the works of darkness. Light reveals
what the darkness conceals. Darkness
is not driven away by preaching at
it; darkness is dissipated by the
presence of light..." McGee, J. V.
(1991). Thru the Bible commentary:
The Epistles (Ephesians) (electronic
ed., Vol. 47, pp. 142–143).
Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Vicious Cat Attack. Feral Feline Jumps Woman Protecting
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "They considered his comparison of bestiality and homosexual acts to be over the line..."
Graniteheart now equate eating
shellfish or mixing wool with linen
with homosexuality and bestiality?
shalt make thee fringes upon the
four quarters of thy vesture,
wherewith thou coverest thyself [Deut.
"That fringe was most generally
blue. We know it was blue on the
garment of the high priest. The
fringe was a reminder of their
relationship to God. Later the
fringes became distinct badges of
God warns against mixtures. The
child of God cannot mix with the
world. I hear Christians say that
they go the way of the world in
order to reach the people of the
world. I have news for you. That is
not the way to reach them. If you
ever hear of anybody being reached
because a Christian went the way of
the world, let me know. The seeds
were not to be mixed. The ox and the
*** were not to try to work
together. The wool and the linen
were not to be mixed. The Christian
is not to mix with the world, my
friend." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru
the Bible commentary: The Law
(Deuteronomy) (electronic ed., Vol.
9, p. 142). Nashville: Thomas
Still stuck on shellfish
What was the significance of the
commands against mixing different
things in Deuteronomy 22:9–11?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Doing those things is more vulgar than speaking about them! Who was offended? The ones doing those things!"
1:26 God gave them up.
See notes on vv. 18, 24. vile
passions. Identified in vv. 26, 27
as homosexuality, a sin roundly
condemned in Scripture (Gen. 19;
Lev. 18:22;
1 Cor. 6:9–11;
Gal. 5:19–21;
Eph. 5:3–5;
1 Tim. 1:9,
Jude 7).
women. Rather than the normal Gr.
term for women, this is a general
word for female. Paul mentions women
first to show the extent of
debauchery under the wrath of
abandonment, because in most
cultures women are the last to be
affected by moral collapse.
Ro 1:27
receiving in themselves the penalty.
Here the law of sowing and reaping (Gal.
takes effect, as Paul refers to the
self-destructive nature of this sin,
of which AIDS is one frightening
evidence." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.).
(1997). The MacArthur Study Bible
(electronic ed., p. 1694).
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Classic case of speck vs. plank."
Christians Judge? Judge Rightly
Is Not Some Guy's Name by Bob
Enyart] "A lie has partially
paralyzed the church. God warns
against “hypocrisy” commanding men
to “abhor what is evil” (Rom.
Yet to abhor evil, someone must
first judge evil. Thus, unable to
judge, large numbers of Christians
become hypocrites by obeying the
Hypocrites Golden Rule. Since the
hypocrite doesn’t want to be judged,
he judges not, as Jesus said, “Judge
not… you hypocrite” (Mat.
Ezek. 16:52).
For “judge not” (Mat.
is simply a hypocrites application
of do unto others as you would have
them do unto you (Mat.
“For with what judgment you judge,
you will be judged” (Mat.
Judge others as you would have them
do unto you inverted is Judge not if
you do not want to be judged.
Christ kept repeating this theme in
His ministry. “Hypocrites,” Jesus
said, “why, even of yourselves, do
you not judge what is right?” (Luke
Still, His own followers have mostly
ignored the Lord’s harsh rebuke:
“Hypocrite! First remove the plank
from your own eye, and then you will
see clearly to [judge, i.e., to]
remove the speck out of your
brother’s eye” (Mat.
“Judge Not” is the Hypocritical
“Judge Not” is hypocrite haven. He
who lives in a glass house should
not throw stones. Such Christians
should relocate. They should move
into “the temple of the great God…
being built with heavy stones” (Ezra
Full text:
Should Christians Judge?
Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
"Companies need to know their base. More Christians go to
Cracker Barrel than gay people. I love Cracker Barrel."
Restored at Cracker Barrel Thanks to Customer Outrage
Duck Hunt: Biblical Scholar Schools CNN's Piers Morgan on Jesus and Homosexuality