Easter: no proclamation


[White House war on Easter: Party, but no proclamation? How can we possibly trust a president who doesn't remind us that he knows which Christian holiday it is?] "Barack Obama says he's a Christian, but he refuses to celebrate Easter, the holiest of Christian holidays not involving Santa. As Fox Nation reports, the White House didn't release an Easter proclamation. Because it hates Easter.

In addition to hating Easter, the Obama Administration seems to love ... a different religion:

President Obama failed to release a statement or a proclamation recognizing the national observance of Easter Sunday, Christianity's most sacred holiday.

By comparison, the White House has released statements recognizing the observance of major Muslim holidays and released statements in 2010 on Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.

The White House also failed to release a statement marking Good Friday. However, they did release an eight-paragraph statement heralding Earth Day. Likewise, the president's weekend address mentioned neither Good Friday or Easter.

Why does the White House ignore the resurrection of Jesus Christ
while honoring secular liberal Islamofascism?" Full text: White House war on Easter: Party, but no proclamation?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "No surprise, here!"

Of course not (1 John 2:18, 22). Did you like Jay Carney's chuckle?

Response to comment [from other]:  "If Obama walked on water - you would say "Obama can't swim"."

Does Obama walk on water? 1 John 2:18, 22.

Happy Hajj!

“We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation ( Obama)."

Response to comment [from a Satanist]:  "Yeah, this made SD look even stupider than usual..."

Happy Earth Day, Satanist. We know how you want to create heaven on earth (Isa 48:22). Good luck with that (2 Pe 3:10-12).

Response to comment [from a Jew]:  "Lesson from this thread: always do your research before you post."

Merry Eid- ul Fitr to you, Miriam. Always on the wrong side of history.

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "...[A]nother lame post..."

A joyous Eid ul Adha to you, Cam. Don't be silly--one way one truth one life Jn 14:6.

"Oh yes, the president of a secular nation didn't release an exclusively Christian proclamation and therefore he hates Christianity."

Such clarity from you today, Belly (Jer 7:6, Deut 17:3).

Response to comment [from a Jew]:  "...[H]ow is this a response to my post?

I understand it. Isn't that what's important? Ex 32:9, Re 22:1.1.

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "Serpentdove how does an "Islamic liberal secularist" work?

Are you referring to the author's quote: "secular liberal Islamofascism?"

[Secular Liberal Islamofascism] "Yes. How does that work?"

I don't know--ask the author. I don't use that term. I prefer to discuss Islam itself. Bad roots, bad fruits (Mt 7:16).

I link to the article to bring attention to the lack of an Easter proclamation after honoring pagan holidays.

Yes, yes--and you tried to convince us that :mad: Jack Bauer knew how evil he was. :dizzy:  Why did he work with the Muslims in the gun shop to destroy :CRASH: the other Muslims attacking citizens--pray tell?

Easter: no proclamation