Ethical Oil

Should Americans be concerned about where they get their oil? Would you drive an extra mile down the road to purchase Canadian oil ( eh?) rather than oil from a country that hates us? Should fuel pumps be labeled so you know who you are supporting by your purchase?

"...With the oil sands at our disposal, is it ethically responsible to import our oil from the Sudan, Russia, and Mexico? How should we weigh carbon emissions with human rights violations in Saudi Arabia? And assuming that we can't live without oil, can the development of energy be made more environmentally sustainable? In Ethical Oil, Levant exposes the hypocrisy of the West's dealings with the reprehensible regimes from which we purchase the oil that sustains our lifestyles, and offers solutions to this dilemma..."
Google books, Ethical Oil by Ezra Levant.


Ezra Levant Ethical Oil


Response to comment [from other]:  "Corn? Isnt there an issue with the net energy used to make fuel from corn?"


"...Corn ethanol production is significant to the cattle industry because of its impact on feed grain prices,” said NCBA president Steve Foglesong, an Illinois beef producer. “NCBA’s members strongly oppose mandated production and increasing government intervention that artificially inflates the cost of feed ingredients. This waiver is a step closer to more government mandates..." EPA’s decision on E-15 pleases some, not others Rev. 13:11-17.


Response to comment [from other]:  [Drive a mile down the road.] "[Y]es."


I would, too.

"If the price is the same and you can't tell where the oil comes from, why would you do this?"


To avoid supporting countries that hate us. 


"...raises all sorts of environmental questions."


Obama and Pelosi call it "dirty oil". There is one pound more carbon in it but not blood--that's the point.


Response to comment [from other]:  "[Fuel]...[C]heap comes before ethical any day of the week."

"Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice (Prov 16:8)."


Response to comment [from other]:  "One pound of carbon? What is that supposed to mean? Blood? what is that supposed to mean?"


It means go hug a tree (Ro 1:23)--and an Arab. Ge 16:12.


Ethical Oil