Eusebius on Papal Succession
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [HisServant quote: "You are a propagandist..."] "No more so than you are, friend."
At least he admits he's
selling snake oil.
Cults and 'isms believe in a false Jesus.
“It’s an apostate church that denies the sufficiency of Christ. It denies the
gospel and submits to another…
...The Roman Catholic Jesus is unable to save sinners completely. Catholics must
add their works to the finished work of Christ. Catholics don’t believe that
Jesus is able to save them forever. They’re only saved until their next mortal
sin. Catholic don’t believe that Jesus paid the complete punishment for sin
which is why they have a doctrine of Purgatory where Catholics must go and
suffer. And they don’t believe that the blood of Jesus purified all sin which is
why again they go to the fires of Purgatory for that cleansing...(Mike Gendron).”
Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity By Mike Gendron
No Purgatory
"What MacArthur conveniently fails to mention is that this doctrinal succession was handed down through the episcopal succession of the Church's ordained bishops---from the apostles down to our own day---which is the only reason we have for accepting those teachings as in any way authentic or authoritative..."
Your church has departed from the authority of the word
of God. Your tradition is not scripture (Mk
"The true Apostolic Succession was not of office but of
doctrine. Jesus taught the twelve apostles, they taught the next generation of
teachers, and that chain of doctrinal truth has continued down to today. As
Christians we are a part of a living chain of doctrinal truth that reaches back
to Christ Himself. In
Acts 1:1 Luke wrote that
the first account he composed (the gospel of Luke) was "about all that Jesus
began to do and teach" (emphasis added). Though He finished the work of
redemption, Jesus only began the work of teaching and preaching the truth of the
gospel. That work must continue to go on as an indestructible chain..." Full
Advice to a Young Disciple 2 Timothy 2:1-4 by John
Is apostolic succession biblical? Was the authority of the Apostles passed on to
their successors?
Was Saint Peter the first pope? Was Peter the supreme authority over the other
Apostles? Was Peter the founder of the Roman Catholic Church?
Is papal infallibility biblical? Is the Pope infallible when he makes
proclamations ex cathedra?
What does the Bible say about the pope / papacy? Does the Bible teach that there
is to be one bishop in authority over the entire church?
"...St. Peter to his chosen episcopal successors..."
Paul went to the Gentiles. Peter went to the Jews. Oopsie (Ga
2:7). Oopsie.
[Why Evangelize if God Has Chosen Who He Will Save? By Mike Gendron Proclaiming
the Gospel Ministries] "This engaging question has prompted many discussions
and debates over God's sovereignty and man's free will. In answering the
question, I am aware of the stricter judgment that awaits me if I mishandle the
word of God (Jas.
3:1). My passion is to always honor and glorify
God and never misrepresent His character. Scripture reveals that our sovereign
Lord not only chose to save certain sinners, but He also ordained the means by
which He will convert them. God established His eternal decree to save His
people when they hear and believe His Word (Rom.
10:13-17). It is for this reason the Lord of
the Harvest commissioned His church to proclaim His Gospel. Every Christian has
been given the awesome responsibility and highest privilege to call people to
repent and trust Jesus Christ alone for salvation.." Full text:
Why Evangelize if God Has Chosen Who He Will Save?
"There's a mountain of documentary evidence which testifies to precisely the same facts that Eusebius writes about here..."
Or you could go to the source of truth (2 Ti 2:15, Jas
You wouldn't want to be unworthy of Christian ministry would you?
on Papal Succession