False Converts
Converts Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries] "The most terrifying
words professing Christians could
ever hear would be Jesus Christ
saying, "I never knew you; depart
from me, you workers of lawlessness"
(Matthew 7:23). On judgment day,
those horrifying words will be heard
by many who call Jesus "Lord" who
never repented of their iniquities.
How can this be? How can someone who
declares Jesus is Lord and perform
religious activities not be truly
saved? How do you know this will not
happen to you? Most people comfort
themselves by saying, "It can't be
me, because I believe in Jesus."
Two Kinds of Faith
Scripture says, "You believe that
God is one; you do well. Even the
demons believe, and shudder" (James
2:19). The issue is not your "faith
in God", but what kind of faith do
you have? Two types of "faith" are
described in the Bible. One
originates in man as he gives mental
assent to certain truths about God.
It is a dead faith that produces no
evidence of a new life in Christ
(James 2:17). The other is a
God-given faith which includes being
born again as a new creature in
Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). This is
a living faith born out of a new
heart that desires to bear fruit for
the glory of God (Ezekiel 36:26;
John 15:8). Would you be willing to
look to Scripture to test your
faith? (2 Corinthians 13:5). If you
are a true Christian, it will deepen
your assurance of salvation. If you
discover you are not truly
converted, by God's grace, call on
the Lord before you perish forever
(Romans 10:8-13)." Pro-Gospel.org
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [From the text: If you discover you are not truly converted, by God's grace, call on the Lord before you perish forever (Romans 10:8-13)." Pro-Gospel.org] "A false convert (unbeliever) cannot "call upon the name of the Lord." Only "true" believers can do that."
If you want to be saved, you can be (2 Pe 3:9, Eze 18:32). Men need to humble themselves before God (Jas 4:10).