Feedback AIG: Talking Snakes and
Magical Trees by Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S.
Dear AiG,
I've noticed a lot of evolutionists will try to mock creationists and make our
beliefs seem ridiculous by saying things like "You creationists believe a woman
was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."
How should creationists respond to remarks like that?
Thanks and God bless,
Hi Dylan,
Thank you for contacting Answers in Genesis. Those making these sorts of
comments are not likely even looking for a response, but are primarily poking
fun without even knowing much about what they are ridiculing. In cases like
this, sometimes it may be good to illuminate the humor of their own belief such
as: “And evolutionists believe everyone in the world ultimately came from rock.”
Then point out that if they have trouble with talking animals then they mustn’t
believe parrots exist either!
In this case, explain that, like the talking donkey that Balaam rode, the
talking serpent was a vessel enabled for another being to use or speak
through—Satan, in the case of the serpent. And nowhere does the Bible call the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil “magical.” The curses and repercussions
came from God as a punishment because of Adam and Eve’s sin, not the tree. I
suggest that they are confusing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with the
Tree of Life, which one may mistake for having “magical” properties to make one
live forever (Genesis 3:22). The Book of Revelation does mention that the leaves
of the Tree will be used for healing (Revelation 22:2).
Humor aside though, today we see people dying, which is exactly what God said
would happen because of Adam and Eve’s rebellion and sin. Today, we also see
serpents slithering (snakes), which was what Genesis says. And yet, no one sees
people coming from rocks, algae, or even lemurs! The Bible explains the world we
live in, and it is the evolutionary position that simply begins with and ends
with absurdity and irrationality.
When people do begin asking serious questions indicating they are truly looking
for answers, I suggest you be prepared (I Peter 3:15) to give good, solid
answers. Study the Scriptures, first, and then read up on common questions and
answers in relation to challenges to the Bible. I pray this helps. God bless.
Bodie Hodge