Field trip to mosque
The school apologized for encouraging
students to pray to a left-over, pagan
war god (Mt 7:20) [not
worthy of our worship by the way
"The American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) of Massachusetts agreed the students taking part in
prayer during the trip was not appropriate. "If, as the video
produced by this organization purports to show, public school
children were indeed asked to take part in a prayer service at a
mosque, it would be deeply troubling, as would any invitation to
public school children to participate in a prayer service at any
church, temple, or other religious place of worship..."
WMS Draws Media Attention For Mosque Field Trip
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "...[I]f I go to a church service for whatever reason, I'll say 'Amen' at the end of prayers, even though I don't particularly believe in the Christian god."
How are you respecting a Christian by saying "amen"? Don't worry about what Christians think of you. Worry about what God thinks of you (Isa 64:6).
is not compatible with our Judeo-Christian culture.
"Because a lot of them would deem it rather surly for me not to acknowledge their faith, and the fact that I was attending a religious event."
Christians realize that there are others
in the church who may be unbelievers or make-believers. I
don't think anyone expects you to "act" any way (if you are
speaking about a Bible church). Just be yourself.
Ask God if you are in good standing with him (Phil 4:7).
"It's like how I try to avoid using "For God's sake" or "Jesus Christ" as expletives when around people I know are Christian. It's just good manners."
Why do you care what Christians think? Certainly, we should be accountable to one another but aren't you more concerned about God's thoughts? Eph 4:30.
"I see no way of knowing what that might be (if anything) until after I've died..."
Decisions must be made on this side of the grave (1 Thess 5:9). The Roman Catholic teaching of Purgatory is a false by the way.
No Purgatory
"Do you know any Muslims?"
Is it possible to disagree with a Muslim
and not be an "Islamophobe"
"I don't really have an opinion on whether God has a son, because I haven't really got an opinion on whether there even is a God. He might have a son, for all I know, and he might not. I say 'Amen' (or a sort of vaguely affirmative mumble) to be polite. I don't see the harm in it."
There's no benefit (Jn 9:31, Mt 6:7). Just say what you mean (Mt 5:37).
"I don't go into a Vegetarian club meeting and start telling them about the delicious steak I had last night, either."
You care more what
vegetarians think than what God thinks?
I'd rather you eat their ankle than miss your purpose for living
Heb 2:3,
2Ti 2:10).
First Things First: Pursuing Life's Three Great Priorities
by John MacArthur
[Faux "amen"] "It's similar to participating in a prayer at dinner at someone's home who is religious... it's simply a matter of respect and courtesy. I find nothing wrong with it."
Imitate God (Eph
5:11) not people (Jer
17:9). Why do you seek their
approval anyway? If they are indeed Christians, they don't want
to hear a faux "amen" from you. They'd rather you repent (Ac
11:18) of your sin so that they
can call you a brother or sister in the Lord (Acts
1 John 1:3,
7). Would
you want to sit next to a
who spoke eloquently?