Five Activities Often Mistaken for Evangelism
Activities Often Mistaken for
Evangelism Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries] "Mark Dever offers five
activities of well-meaning
Christians that are often mistaken
for evangelism. True evangelism is
not giving a personal testimony of
conversion. When we give an account
of our changed life, it can be
wonderful and inspiring but, by
itself, is not the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. Another activity mistaken
for evangelism is participating in
social actions or political affairs.
While demonstrating compassion and
kindness by our actions is a good
and appropriate behavior for
Christians, such actions are not
evangelism, unless they are
accompanied with a proclamation of
the Gospel..."
5 Things Mistaken for Evangelism
Response to comment [from other]: "What did Abraham see?"
"Jn 8:56 Hebrews 11:13 indicates
that Abraham saw Christ’s day
(“having seen them afar off”; see
note there). Abraham particularly
saw in the continuing seed of Isaac
the beginning of God’s fulfilling
the covenant (Gen. 12:1–3; 15:1–21;
17:1–8; cf. 22:8) that would
culminate in Christ...
Heb 11:13 These all. The reference
is to the patriarchs only (Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob). This
interpretation is supported by the
fact that the promises began with
Abraham (cf. Acts 7:17; Rom. 4:13;
Gal. 3:14–18) and were passed on to
Isaac (Gen. 26:2–5, 24) and Jacob
(Gen. 28:10–15). In addition, only
those individuals fit the
description in v. 15 and Enoch did
not die...These people of faith
didn’t know when they would inherit
the promise. They had a life in the
land, but did not possess it."
MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997).
The MacArthur Study Bible
(electronic ed., p. 1917).
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.