Flash Mobs

"...[S]pontaneous incidents of group violence -- dubbed "flash robs" -- have happened in Minneapolis, Chicago, Cleveland, New York and Washington, among other cities. Most episodes involved groups of young people looting stores or assaulting pedestrians and then running off..." Full text: Police scramble to fight flash-mob mayhem

Does having a lawless president contribute to the deterioration of America? 
Isa. 3:5–8; Gal. 5:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10–19; Jude 8–13; Deut. 12:8; Judg. 17:6; 21:25.


"Somehow I knew you were going to blame Obama for this."


It's a question. Did Bill Clinton affect the culture? How did children view sex after the Monica Lewinsky scandal?


Glenn Beck: Obama ‘clearly’ anti-cop, Clinton made kids think oral sex was ok

Do leaders influence the culture?


"So the President is lawless because he invited Common the White House?"


The President encourages lawlessness (e.g. backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens ). Isa. 3:5–8; Gal. 5:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10–19; Jude 8–13; Deut. 12:8; Judg. 17:6; 21:25.


"I'm not really surprised since he's a rapper, but what lawbreakers does Common praise?"


Assata Shakur. 


"So you have no answer about the Common thing?"


It's not a surprise that the Obama's would open "the people's house" to an entertainer who praises lawbreakers (Isa. 3:5–8; Gal. 5:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10–19; Jude 8–13; Deut. 12:8; Judg. 17:6; 21:25).


Response to comment [from other]: "But Count, he's to blame for everything, including verukas..."




Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Has anyone seen a flash mob?"

Do you think it is wise to encourage people to be dependant on government? Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


Response to comment [from other]: "You're such a raging twit.  You make watermelon jokes about black people, call people "zipperheads," refer to the presidential family as "black trash." But if course, you're not racist...."


Proof please. Aren't you the one who believe some monkeys developed along different lines from other monkeys? We are one blood and one race--the human race (Ac 17:26). If you can have so-called white trash you can have so-called black trash; can you not?


Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "No, sd.  You can't call black people black. Only black people can call black people black..."

Hold on, I'm taking notes.

"...[O]therwise your black heart is racist..."


Is that like black cloud?


NBC News Edits Perry 'Black Cloud' Comment to Make Him Seem Racist?

They (
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) sure like the race card.


"And only 'zipperheads' should be able to call other 'zipperheads' 'zipper.....oh wait, no that's actually just a disgusting racial slur as it happens."


Slow down. This is all very interesting. You love Communists, they are off the table...


[[I]'s OK. Who cares?] "You should if you find racism and related tags associated as pathetic as the rest of the enlightened world."


Love for other so-called races is fashionable now, isn't it? Jer 17:9


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[H]e's trying real hard to get an insult in with every post, just like he usually does when he's boozing.  boozy tardlyartie"


Is that it?



Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [It's a question. ] "A little more than that, since it begins with an assumption that our current president, who hasn't been charged or convicted with anything, is lawless. That is, is an assumptive hack job wrapped around something more substantive."


What do you call it when one will not enforce the law?

"The Obama administration’s new immigration amnesty is a purely political calculation intended to shore up the president’s sagging support among Latino voters.

President Obama has a habit of not enforcing laws he doesn’t like.

He doesn’t like the Defense of Marriage Act so he won’t defend it in the court. He doesn’t like energy exploration so he has ignored court order after court order that would allow deep-water oil drilling. He doesn’t like the free speech protections in the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC so he’s planning an executive order to undermine it.

Now we can add immigration laws to the list..." Full text:
Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty by Matthew Vadum


"...[T]hanks for settling my point about it being more than a question..."


Are you here only to answer questions for others?

There are plenty of words to chose from. What do you call it when the leader of a nation will not enforce the laws? Queue
Jeopardy Theme


"I'd call it business as usual, politically speaking."


I like my word better (Isa. 3:5–8; Gal. 5:13, 14; 2 Pet. 2:10–19; Jude 8–13; Deut. 12:8; Judg. 17:6; 21:25).




The word I used. Are you really a lawyer? You don't act this way in court do you?


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  "...[Y]ou are a real racist, I just occasionally make racist jokes..."


If I were a betting person, I'd bet you have a plank in your own eye, which is why you take great notice of specks in other's eyes (Mt 7:5).


"...[I]f you're going to add within my text attribution I'd appreciate it if you'd get it right. The "all" is important and more honest."


When did you say "all" and how is it important? How was I dishonest?

"...[P]olitics...is not a worldly occupation in and of itself. It only becomes so when people who practice it do so in a manner which violates the revealed Word of God, and crosses over the moral borders provided by our Creator. The same can be said of all legitimate professions and endeavors...

...There has been a prolific increase of people in our culture who no longer take biblical assumptions for granted. Leadership in our society is being increasingly held by people whose public school experience did not include the reading of Scripture, or the posting of the Ten Commandments on the wall, but did include a very Greek approach to morality which led people to decide for themselves what is right or wrong.

Prior to the 1960s, most American, even those who did not claim to be Christians, held to a biblical framework of morality. They did this whether they knew where it came from or not. Back then it was not uncommon for people to refer to the United States as a "Christian nation," because its laws were openly based upon the Bible, and the words of Jesus Christ were honored and recognized as authoritative (pg. 104, 107, Overman)."


"It's the difference between selectivity (which is the norm) and an absence of enforcement."


Tell that to the families of these victims of illegal aliens. "Deaths that could have been prevented if Congress and the President would have secured our border and enforced existing U.S. immigration laws..." 1 Tim. 1:9


An observation...

...Based on your comment. You're projecting again.

You said: "...[Y]ou are a real racist, I just occasionally make racist jokes."

Leftists accuse conservatives of hatred. The hatred comes from the Left (
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). We are constantly told that we hate people group A for one reason or people group B for another reason. If you did not use an ad hominem attack you would have to address real issues. Do you serve a purpose other than ascribing motivations to others?

If we believed as you say we believed, the world would be far worse.


What Christianity Has Done for the World


[Kmoney quote: "...[Y]ou are a real racist, I just occasionally make racist jokes."] But this doesn't have anything to do with liberals or conservatives, or Christians or non-Christians... It has to do with you..."


Me again.

Leftists (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) would like you to make decisions based on feelings. If they can discredit a person then they can dismiss their arguments (Ac 17:26).

Are you mastered by your feelings, lefty?


"...We now live within the life form called "modernity...". In the "modern" condition, feelings will come to exercise almost total mastery over the individual...Here lies the secret to understanding cotemporary Western life and its peculiar proneness to gross immoralities and addictions.  People are overwhelmed with decisions and can only make those decision on the basis of feelings (pg. 126, Willard)."


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You'll never be able to call me a leftist, because I base all my decisions on what is profitable to me and mine."


You're here discussing theology once in a while aren't you? Eccl 3:11


"Yup, and it's very entertaining.  Entertaining = profitable."


You're here to be entertained?

"I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh." ~ Tommy DeVito, Goodfellas
Ps 95:8

God's Final Call (right click, 'save target as' to download) Adrian Rogers


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?"


I would rather be with the people of this forum than with the finest people in the world.


Response to comment [from other]: [See: Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots] "Twit."


Ad hominem


"Super sick twit."


Move over Sophocles (Ingraham).

Do you believe Alan Colmes is a racist? He could not comprehend Doug Lamborn's use of the word "tar baby" as not being racist.

Is this how Colmes understands the term? Is he projecting again? Would you react like Colmes?

"...News spoke with Lamborn over the phone. He said he didn't know the phrase has a negative racial connotation. "It was not intended to be offensive..."" Full text:
Supporters To Rally For Congressman Lamborn

Alan Colmes'
link to the non-issue.

Aren't you the one who believes certain monkeys are more special than other monkeys? We know that we are one race--the human race (Ac 17:26). We could care less what color you are. God sees the heart of men (1 Sam 16:7). What would he see in yours? Jer 17:6


Flash Mobs