Freedom From Religion Foundation Supports
the Ground Zero Mosque
"[W]orking to keep state and church separate and to
educate the public......Bloomberg’s
speech on this controversy says it best...Islamic Center not a state/church
full text.
Bloomberg's 'tolerance' hypocrisy: Why does the mayor welcome the mosque and
fight small churches?
Do not follow other gods that lead you to your own destruction (Jer
Hi TOLers
from the sin bin
you all.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "We live in a time of political correctness which by definition is selective morality. Christianity is no longer politically correct so the Church is frowned upon."
"Selective morality" is right for this atheist group. Too bad they cozy up to the wrong side (Isa 5:20).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Well, there's simply no legal basis for the government to prevent an Islamic Center in some sort of zone of exclusion around the World Trade Center..."
On your point of building a mosque, agreed. However, Sharia law is a Constitution and it stands in opposition to the U.S. Constitution. Trust God but tie up your camel--it goes both ways.
"We have a First Amendment prohibiting such meddling in religion by the government."
Government is meant to restrain evil.
Obama makes clear support for ground zero mosque
"Don't worry, I'm sure the FFRF will show up to loudly protest any attempt to introduce Sharia on these shores. And so would I. But that's not the issue at hand."
I'm glad that you see the evil of Sharia law. But there may come a day when you are outnumbered. You'd do well to have someone on your side (Ps 24:8).
I think the issue at hand is one of consistency by this group, Freedom from Religion Foundation. Would they like freedom from religion or not? Why do they support the mosque? Or, is it only freedom from Christ? Jn 8:36.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Opposition to Islam in the U.S. is a result of observing the practices of Muslims in other countries..."
That's right. We witness terrorism around the world in the
name of Islam. Some dimwits suggest that
Christians terrorize equally. If you'd like to live in
an alternate reality, I guess you will.
Meanwhile, here on earth in this time/space continuum
Islam expands so does misery (Mt
Freedom From Religion
Foundation Supports the Ground Zero Mosque