Gays in the Military
Freedom for a Leftists means coercion--You are free to
our wicked values crammed down your throat (Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev.
20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [That's an interesting perspective for me to to think about. Also, well put.] "You're on crack, right?"
It's a Sodomite thread.
How can I hate the military on this Memorial Day weekend.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "If push comes to shove would you rather have a straight coward or a gay hero in the foxhole with you?"
We need godly men in our forces (Jud. 7:5–7).
Sodomites can do nothing for us (Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev.
20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).
Response to comment [from other]: "There'll have never been a case where a homosexual soldier has saved a fellow soldier from being killed."
I'm sure most men would rather be put to a swift death
than to be picked up by a
Sodomite and carried to dewy meadow.
Response to comment [from other]: "[F]or those saps who are opposed to having their lives saved by a gay dude in the military, why not just wear a sign that says "[I]f you are gay, please don't save me ... death is preferable!" See how easy that was?
That was easy.
See, never let it be said that we can't agree on anything.
"Oh lawks you are such a loon!"
Response to comment [from other]: "Why would that matter? According to
The Logic of SD, being killed in battle is preferable to having a gay defend and
save one's life.
You gotta wonder how far SD would take this argument. For example, if a woman is
being raped and a gay cop comes to her defense, shall she tell him to go away
and let the nice rapist finish what he started?
Or ... if a building is burning down and a child is trapped in house, should the
parent say "hey you are gay ... leave my child to burn".
Logical chicky, this SD."
People accepts helping hands everyday from:
Sodomites, fornicators, run-of-the-mill pagan heathens, etc. We don't know
a person's heart (Jas 2:18). The point is--it should not be policy to
accept the homosexual in the military (if we want to win anyway
"You're not married and are childless?"
I notice you ask a lot of questions, Satanist.
I make it a practice to share all of my personal information with Satanists.
The rest of you do this too, right?
will you be using this information? What's your point?
The hippy dog makes you look cute an all, but why should anyone here at TOL
discuss such things with you? Besides, I thought I was on your "ignore list".
Don't you ignore people that you--"ignore"?
Why don't you tell us Graniteheart--How do you identify with Brian? Is it when
he does that dragging his behind on the floor thing? We just want to know you.
Response to comment [from other]: [Logical conclusion] "I guess even you know you couldn't make your previous garbage stick."
God's word is garbage and humanism is the answer? Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev.
20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "If you actually read or paid attention to anything but yourself you'd notice I no longer call or consider myself a Satanist."
Oh goodie--a cooler place in hell (Mt 25:41, Isa 33:14, Mt
13:42,50, Re 20:15, Re 14:10, Mt 3:12, Isa 33:14). You should be
"You're very transparent. And angry."
You're a poor judge of character (Ps
--and projecting again.
"With that said, I'm taking my own advice!"
[God's word garbage?] "No. Your words were garbage SD. Your argument was loony as Rusha pointed out."
Let's not talk about my words. Let's talk about
God's words (Deut 5:10).
Response to comment [from other]: [Sodomites in military--no benefit] "The demonstration of an American ideal and a right of their citizens!"
Now it's an American ideal to commit a crime?
Lev. 18:22, 1 Kin. 14:24, Lev. 20:13, Rom. 1:24, 26, 27. You have the right to
obey God.
Our Rainbow
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Just as well as you have the right not to obey God or decide on your own spiritual path in life."
You can choose to reject God. You cannot choose the consequences (1 Cor 6:9).
We do not make moral degeneracy public policy (Jn 10:10).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "added risk..."
The fact is homosexuality leads to death (Jn 10:10). The Christian cares enough about him to tell him this.
"Gay activists acknowledge severe health
risks of homosexual lifestyle:
[A]ctivists admit what we have been saying for years, that "gay/bisexual men
have a life expectancy 20 years less than the average man" in Canada. Even the
life expectancy of lesbians, though not as severely impacted, "is still lower
than the life expectancy of the general population."
Suicide rates, they admit, are anywhere from double to 13.9 times higher than
the general population. By their own estimates, homosexuals comprise 30% of all
suicides in Canada.
They admit that smoking rates among gays are up to three times higher, alcohol
use up to seven times higher, and illicit drug use up to 19 times higher than
the general population.
They themselves openly acknowledge that 76.1% of all AIDS cases since statistics
were first kept occur in gay and bisexual men, and further acknowledge that the
infection rate is up to 26 times higher than among the population as a whole.
When it comes to cancer of various types, they candidly admit that "gay men,
lesbians and bisexual men and women are at higher risk for some cancers as a
result of their sexual orientation (emphasis added)." Smoking and alcohol use
puts them at elevated risk of lung and liver cancer, while their sexual activity
increases their risk of anal cancer and cancers of the head, throat and neck
through frequent exposure to HPV, the human papilloma virus..." Full text:
Myths, Facts, and Consequences of the Homosexual Lifestyle