George Will on Manhood

"...Current economic hardships have had what is called in constitutional law a "disparate impact": The crisis has not afflicted everyone equally. Although women are a majority of the workforce, perhaps as many as 80 percent of jobs lost were held by men. This injury to men is particularly unfortunate because it may exacerbate, and be exacerbated by, a culture of immaturity among the many young men who are reluctant to grow up.

Increasingly, they are defecting from the meritocracy. Women now receive almost 58 percent of bachelor's degrees. This is why many colleges admit men with qualifications inferior to those of women applicants—which is one reason men have higher dropout rates. The Pew Research Center reports that 28 percent of wives between ages 30 and 44 have more education than their husbands, whereas only 19 percent of husbands in the same age group have more education than their wives. Twenty-three percent of men with some college education earn less than their wives. In law, medical, and doctoral programs, women are majorities or, if trends continue, will be.

In 1956, the median age of men marrying was 22.5. But between 1980 and 2004, the percentage of men reaching age 40 without marrying increased from 6 to 16.5. A recent study found that 55 percent of men 18 to 24 are living in their parents' homes, as are 13 percent of men 25 to 34, compared to 8 percent of women..."  Full text: 
The Basement Boys: The making of modern immaturity  

Is America becoming a nation of dandy men?

Also see:

Metrosexual or Medieval? by Doug Giles

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "[T]hat's right ; blame men for choosing to be raised by women..."

You think women are at fault?  A boy needs a dad.  When his dad doesn't bother to raise him, moms must do the best that they can.   But they are not men.  They cannot replace him.  How else is a boy going to learn what it means to be a man?

Feminists were successful convincing society that women must be liberated from marriage and children.  These long-toothed lesbians (as Doug Giles likes to call them) truly believe that all men are pigs and all women are stupid.  Only they know what is right.  They've left a trail of destruction in their path. 

Adrian Rogers says that a man is like a violin without a bow.  He needs the bow and that's a woman.  That's a better quote than, "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle (Gloria Steinem)."

Move over Sophocles (Ingraham). 

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "George will on Manhood.  Next up: Rosie O'Donnell on fostering traditional values."

I like Donald Trump's quote:  "'Mom, Dad, I just fell in love with a big, fat pig..."

George Will on Manhood