[Gingrich vows to ban embryonic stem-cell research, questions in vitro practices by Karen Tumulty] "LUTZ, Fla. — As former House speaker Newt Gingrich courts evangelical voters in advance of Tuesday’s Florida primary, he is drawing an increasingly hard line against the use of embryonic stem-cell research — a position that contrasts not only with that of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, but also with statements that Gingrich himself has made on the subject in the past.

Speaking at a Baptist church in Winter Park on Saturday, the former speaker received a standing ovation when he declared that embryonic stem-cell research amounts to “the use of science to desensitize society over the killing of babies.”

And in a news conference Sunday, he said he would ban all embryonic stem-cell research, including that done on discarded embryos created by in vitro fertilization..." Full text:
Gingrich vows to ban embryonic stem-cell research, questions in vitro practices Jer 1:5


Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Using stem cells for vital scientific and medical research and experimentation is NOT "killing babies"..."


“A person's a person, no matter how small.” ~ Dr. Seuss Jer 1:5, Pr 8:36


[King Cobra quote:  "Put another way: "Using Jews for vital scientific and medical research and experimentation is not 'killing humans'."] "To compare stem cell research to the horrible experiments the Nazis did on Jewish inmates in concentration camps is beyond idiotic.  The comparison is also beyond offensive..."


You're only offended when people want to murder you?


Gingrich vows to ban embryonic stem-cell research, questions in vitro practices