Happy or Hurting
[Happiness is U-shaped...which explains why the middle-aged are grumpy] "Happiness follows a U-shaped curve during a person's lifetime, according to research showing that middle-aged people are the unhappiest...The conclusions come in a study of how people perceive their wellbeing..." Full text
Would you rather be near those who are happy or those who are hurting? Eccl 7:2, Ro 12:15.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Your link is broken, Serpent."
Fixed. It wasn't that interesting anyway. "...[A]ccording to research..."
Ro 12:15-16 J. Vernon McGee
Response to comment [from other]: "You made a thread because you saw this graph and you shared it with us in a serious manner, now you say it's stupid? What was the point of all this?"
I found the graph symmetrical and
appealing. The story itself--not so interesting.
What does the world know about happiness? I thought it might make a good segue into what J. Vernon McGee called "entering into the joys and sorrows of other believers". Eccl 7:2, Ro 12:15. I don't think anyone wanted to discuss that.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Are you middle-aged? You'd better be, or you'll ruin Serpent's graph."
Who makes these stupid graphs?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I am 48 and I am as happy as I have ever been."
Sounds like Christian joy (Ps 4:7).
Response to comment [from other]: "You made a thread because you saw this graph and you shared it with us in a serious manner, now you say it's stupid? What was the point of all this?"
I found the graph symmetrical and
appealing. The story itself--not so interesting.
What does the world know about happiness? I thought it might make a good segue into what J. Vernon McGee called "entering into the joys and sorrows of other believers". Eccl 7:2, Ro 12:15. I don't think anyone wanted to discuss that.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: " That's two more off the Secret Santa pairing list for 2012 then. At this rate I'll be exchanging gifts with myself by August."
I still love you TH.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "No one wants to discuss anything with you. You're a troll and a moron. We just want to derail your threads."
Who's "we"? Sybil? Are you in there Sybil?