Has God created "the one" for each person to marry from the beginning of time?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "A
wife for Isaac Did God bring me my wife? Yes He did. Why? Because I
wasn't getting married any other way. I don't mind disagreement, this is just
what worked for me and I was very glad to have God choose for me!"
Didn't work out so well for Susan Smith's husband David. I'm sure he though she was the greatest gal in the world, too. Mt 15:19
"Your memory is a monster. It summons with a will of its own. You think you have a memory but it has you." ~ John Irving
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Was she supposed to be a Christian? Unbelievers will make their own choices."
God gave marriage for the believer and the pagan, as well (Gen. 2:18–24). We preach to the blind (Ac 10:41, 2 Co 4:4).
"We will follow after our natures. A new creation will find they follow after God. I'd say 50% divorces among Christians, however, means about half of us shouldn't be getting married and probably should stay single."
Marriage is until death (Mk 10:2–9, Mt 19:6, Rom. 7:2, 3). So-called divorce was during the betrothal period if the woman was found to be unclean (Deut 24:1).
"Paul said we weren't sinning if we did/do, but we should really be teaching couples to count the cost and help them understand that God may have eternal purposes for them as single servants of God who have more time and energy to make huge impacts."
Marriage is to be a type of Christ and his church (Heb 13:4).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Troubled relationships]
“When truth is buried underground it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bursts out, it blows up everything with it.” ~ Émile Zola
God created "the one" for each person to marry from the beginning of time?