On the evening of August 7, the History Channel aired Ape-to-Man, http://www.historychannel.com/apetoman/ a documentary on the evolution of man. The narrator described how the “tiniest fragments of the past” were used to finally piece together a “full story”—the story of man’s evolution.
Greatly expanded dates and generations were mentioned at
the beginning. Supposedly 300,000 generations spanned over
three million years. ICR scientists are currently addressing
not only those great evolutionary ages but also issues such
as cost theory and Haldane’s Dilemma, which articulates the
biological impossibility of producing that many generations
without a serious mutational overload (see
As far as a historical narrative went, the History
Channel indeed described the history of man’s vain search
for his secular origin. The program mentioned
While the documentary rejected discredited evidence for evolution, it offered little credible scientific evidence for the evolution of man. The program instead of being a record of historical fact (what one would expect from the History Channel), was simply an exercise in speculation. http://www.icr.org/article/history-channels-frenzy-speculation/