Homeland Security Unites with Abortion Industry to Silence Gospel
[Homeland Security
Unites with Abortion Industry to Silence Gospel Christian Newswire] "In an
effort to silence the First Amendment Rights of Christians carrying the message
of life to three abortion mills in the city of Charlotte, the "Homeland
Security" unit of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department has united with
the abortion industry to get the job done.
Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, will appear
at the Charlotte School of Law in Charlotte to appeal a "guilty" verdict of
"stalking." The charge of "stalking" is simply the latest of many blatant
attempts by the abortion industry and the city of Charlotte to remove from the
streets gentle Christians who offer moms a real choice at abortion mills. There
have been lawsuits, injunctions, temporary restraining orders, and every other
imaginable strategy, to silence the Gospel of Christ.
This new North Carolina "stalking" statute is so egregious because it can be
used by virtually anyone to silence the First Amendment rights of another by
simply saying that he or she "feels" threatened. How dangerous are Christians
living out their faith in the streets of their city anyway? We are moms and
dads, grandmas and grandpas, little boys and girls, standing in the gap on
behalf of preborn children. We are families living out the Gospel of Christ in
the streets of our city. Now, with the help of the Department of Homeland
Security, we are considered "stalkers." God help us!
Why? Perhaps it is because of the fact that, since October 28, 2009, there have
been 1,340 baby boys and girls saved from abortion and alive today because of
the faithful witness of Christians at abortion mills. These children represent a
lot of lost revenue to the abortion industry here. So now we have the unholy
alliance of the "Domestic Terrorism" Department of the CMPD and the abortion
industry working hand in glove to chill First Amendment activities of Christians
by labeling the Christian witness as "stalking.""
Homeland Security Unites with Abortion Industry to Silence Gospel
Eph 4:25
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Flip Benham is a very evil man, and heads an evil organization which uses all manner of illegal and dangerous tactics to interfere with women who are seeking abortions..."
He's wonderful
5:6). You're the freak (Pr
"This post makes those anti-abortion protesters out to be gentle souls who are very benign..."
They are saving children. What are you doing?
"But they are not!"
Because they
won't let you kill kids with tranquility? Enyart.
Speak out for the one who cannot speak (Prov.
31:8, GW).
"They viciously harass women every day and attempt to interfere with their civil rights."
The ask women
not to kill their children. There is nothing vicious about it.
In fact, they've saved many kids.
"Operation Rescue does absolutely nothing to "rescue" any one. It is a violent and evil criminal organization, and Benham and all those associated with him deserve stiff prison sentences."
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you (Jer 1:5).
"Operation Rescue is "saving children"? For what ? So they can grow up in abject poverty, hunger, malnutrition, lack of education and career opportunity, abuse, neglect, being surrounded by crime and random violence?"
If we follow your policies?
Jn 10:10,
Eccl 10:2--Yes, he grows up for all of that.
"I repeat - Operation Rescue cares absolutely nothing about children."
They do. Too bad you don't get it (Jn 1:5).
"It only wants to manipulate women for its own evil theocratic and fascistic purposes. And it cares nothing about women."
They encourage women not to engage in risky sexual behavior (Ex 20:14).
"Unless the government takes the necessary measures to decrease poverty
in America..."
believe that poverty is the cause of evil behavior. How do you explain rich,
evil people.
"...abortion will remain common here even with stupid, dangerous and criminal organizations like Operation Rescue."
You mean you'd
like it to remain common. How did Obama put it? "Safe, legal and rare."
"And if these anti-choice organizations get their way and abortion
becomes illegal again, dangerous back-alley abortionists will instantly spring
into action, and more and more women will die from botched illegal abortions."
Drama. We've
got drama.
If we stop killing children--that's a good thing.
Deut 24:16
"These anti-choice scum..."
Does that make you anti-life scum? Pr 8:36
"...[D]on't give a you-know-what if poor women die or nearly die."
A doctor never needs to kill the baby to save the life of the mother.
The Hippocratic Oath says do no harm.
"And did I mention that Operation Rescue also wants the government to make contraceptives illegal..."
They speak out against chemical weapons (e.g. abortifacients) used on children in the womb.
"...[W]hich shows that they are not only heartless bastards but imbeciles."
projecting again.
You steal, kill and destroy. They encourage life and Christian living (Jn
Response to comment [from other]: [One Eyed Jack quote: "Do you know what fetus means in Latin?] "And that matters why?"
When does a child begin to matter? Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9
Security Unites with Abortion Industry to Silence Gospel