Homosexuality = Arrested Development

Response to comment [from atheist]:  "[T]he context of known homosexuality..."

Here is the context of human sexuality (as opposed to what they teach you in college):  "Did ye not read, that He who made them, from the beginning a male and a female made them (Mt 19:4)."  A man who is born a man should live as a man.  A woman who is born a woman should live as a woman.  Homosexuality is rebellion against God.  

"Perversion, like beauty, is often in the eye of the beholder."

God has defined what is perverse and what is not.  Any departure from God and his holiness is by definition perverse (1 Chron 16:29).  "Those who are of a perverse heart are an abomination to the Lord (Pr 11:20)."

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "...[O]ther species have vastly different psychological development ...[Girls] seem to share the trait of occasional homosexuality...You still haven't actually put forward any evidence for your ideas anyway, so was I right in thinking this may be random musing of how you can twist psychology to fit your preconceived ideas?"

Girls share this "trait' as do boys as a result of abuse generally.  The wicked world tries to get at them early (Mt 18:6).  "Preconceived" ideas is right.  God preconceived these ideas when he made men men and women women.  We are a unique "species" made in God's image (Ge 1:26).  Men prefer to be animals (Ro 1:25-26).     

"Does this mean your god also punishes with eternal damnation other undeveloped persons, for instance, people with social anxiety disorder? ...[A]ll of us have issues and are thus worthy of understanding which leads to grace?"

Genetic problems developed in people as a result of sin entering the world.  God does not punish people for their disfigurement.  Jesus loves disfigured people as any other people (Mt 12:13).  Homosexuality is not a disfigurement.  It is rebellion against God and his law.  Often homosexuals try to argue their minority status (e.g. equating themselves with blacks).  As one African-American said, "I can't change my color.  You can change your behavior."

People are punished by God for rebelling against his revealed truth.  Lying to the Holy Spirit who offers you truth is the unforgivable sin (Ac 5:3).     

Response to comment [from atheist]:  "[S]ex is sinful, but heterosexual sex is not."

It's always the atheist arguing for homosexuality.  First of all, let me just say--eww.  With that said.  No, it is the marriage bed that is undefiled (Heb 13:4).

A few housekeeping items: 

Response to comment [from Christian]:  [Capitalize "G" in God.]

I've suggested this in the past at another theology site.  It's so immature.  We should just move on, giving out the word--let them heap coals of fire on their head (Prov 25:22). 

"You do realize you massacred my post there with your editing, don't you? I was saying in that sentence that other species share the trait of homosexuality, no mention of gender had occurred yet thus your editing looks like intentional deception. Your editing didn't even shorten the post considerably."

I'm sorry Tyrathca.  My mistake.  I was trying to make the point that the human species is made in God's image (Ge 1:26) so it is therefore unique. 

"And all these bible quotes are irrelevant to what causes homosexuality, all you are telling is that according to your religion it is immoral."

I realize that you discount any biblical reference.  Coming from a Christian perspective, I am not sure how else to reply to your comment.  I believe that science supports the Christian worldview, but I am not a scientist.  To be honest, it is always my hope that by getting the word out, one day fruit will come of it.  It does not return void (Isa 55:11). 

"Woopee doo... Like we didn't already know that."

Then someone has answered you in the same way?  Alright.  With skeptics of the Bible, I like to go back to the beginning of creation in God's word.  It has been my experience with atheists, that they blame God for all of the troubles of the world.  I put the blame on man (sinning in the garden).  I see God as the one betrayed time and time again.  I believe God has been more than patient with mankind. 

"But that is no justification for what has been proposed, even if the bible is right and there is a [G]od who hates homosexuals."

God does not hate homosexuals.  God hates all sin (including: adultery and fornication).  Homosexuality can be forgiven like any other sin.  Jesus can clean up the homosexual's life.  He has done it many times.  It is a beautiful sight to see. 

"[W]hat is your evidence that homosexuality is due to abuse?"

It is common knowledge.  Psychiatrist see patterns of abuse which leads to adult promiscuity and/or resulting homosexuality.  In the not so distant past the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology listed homosexuality as a mental disorder.  Bowing to political pressure however, they changed the classification.  Anyway, no matter what man says--God says it is wicked and perverse (1 Cor 6:9).    

Would you answer this--when you peruse through the atheist websites; if you do, you must see the wicked ideas that come out of there.  Have you ever compared their ideas to those of Christianity?  I don't mean Christians.  I mean the teachings of Jesus.  You have to recognize that atheists routinely promote wickedness and rebellion against God's order and God's law.  Could you say that atheism leads to a better life?

Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Frankly any God who is susceptible to an irrational emotion like hatred is probably not worth following. And a God who would treat his own children like a dictator clearly doesn't know the first thing about human nature. Your interpretation of God is rejected."

God is not arbitrary or vindictive.  Because he is committed to holiness, God must judge sin.  If he is not just, then he is not good (Ro 5:8).  What I think about God is irrelevant.  What scripture reveals about him is all important.  Sin has pleasure only for a time (Heb 11:25).  But make no mistake--God will punish each and every sin (Ex 23:34). He has given us a means of salvation which we could not provide for ourselves (Isa 61:1).  If we will humble ourselves, repent of our sin and place our trust in his son, Jesus, we can be saved.  We would be fools to reject his offer of love, grace and forgiveness (Jn 3:16). 

"[S]ince homosexuality like many other human behaviors occurs in animals as well we aren't that unique."

Here is what Answers in Genesis has to say about the topic of homosexuality in animals: "A frustratingly fallacious—and (be warned) vulgar and profane—column in the San Francisco Chronicle reiterates the idea that homosexuality among animals shows that God endorses homosexuality. This entire argument rests on a significant fallacy: that whatever happens in nature (whether in animals or in humans) is what God intended and what God decrees as “right.” Obviously this is not the case; animals kill, rape, and steal, for instance, without anyone deducing that God approves of such acts. The author ignores (willfully or not, we don’t know) the Christian view of creation as imperfect, having been corrupted by the Fall and Curse. Of course, we don’t expect the author to acknowledge this, since he instead blathers, “Life on Earth is messy and bloody and constantly evolving and transmuting and guess what? So is sexuality, and love, and connection, and what it means to exist.” Not very deep, we would say. (The author also fails to report that some examples of homosexuality in the animal world are not actually “natural,” as we reported last month.) Answers in Genesis:  News to Note, July 11, 2009

Also see:

Gay Penguins

"[T]there is no biblical reference to the specific causes of homosexuality only references that it should not be acted on and the punishment that occurs if someone does act on it."

God is a gentleman.  There are many vile behaviors committed by men that he does not elaborate on (Ge 19:5).  We know that the homosexual first rejects God (as does the adulterer or fornicator):  "God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do ... even as they refused to have God in their knowledge (Ro 1:28)."  Still, God is willing to forgive men of their sin.  Many refuse (2 Pet 2:22).

"Atheism leads some to a better life while others it does not, the same for Christianity."

I guess only time will tell.  The problem is, you can get so far from God that he lets go.  He does not guarantee another day to repent (Jos 24:15).

"[F]rom my perspective Christian sites are filled with far more wickedness in the form of intolerance, hate for other groups, hate for secular democratic principles, hate for science and logic, etc."

What if you are reading truth as hatred?  I think it would be more hateful to believe that a man needs to be forgiven and then fail to tell him.  That is hatred.

"Christianity is not a "nice" religion unless you are picky about which bits to follow. Jesus was not the first to think of the golden rule, which admittedly was a good idea and advanced for the region at that time."

I think Jesus showed us that men fall far short of heaven's standard.  We don't make the grade and he is willing to make up for our loss (Isa 61:1).

"[Jesus] promoted intolerance if one refused to convert."

That was Muhammad.  Islam perverts Christianity.  Jesus gives an offer for men to accept or reject.  Christianity is not forced on anyone.  Allah is a god who knocks his bride over the head, drags her to the marriage bed and rapes her.  Then he murders her for being raped. 

The Bible gives a picture of God loving his church like a bride so that men can understand his love for them.  The bride was not lovely in anyway, but the bridegroom never gave up on her.  He loves her and he will do anything it takes to save her to live with her forever.  She needs only to commit to the marriage and believe that the bridegroom will do what he promises.  She doesn't even have to clean up her life to come to him.  He has died for her and she dies to herself when she comes to him.  He justifies her (saves her) then sanctifies her (cleans her up) then one day glorifies her (makes perfect and unblemished) to live with him in eternity.  She is free to choose.   

"Jesus also introduced the concept of hell, a truly hideous concept."

Jesus warned men of hell and gave a way (Jn 14:6) to avoid it.

"...[A]lso implicitly condoned slavery by not condemning it when mentioning it, the same with monarchism."

The Bible is also a history book.  It reveals what happened.  But God certainly never condoned the wickedness of man (slavery, mistreatment of women, child sacrifice, etc.).  He made it clear through his law and by sending a prophet that he was very displeased with men's behavior.  We see patterns developing time and time again that when men turn from God, judgment is on the way. 

At creation, God declared time and time again "It was good".  After the fall of man when sin entered the world, we see now it is bad.  The cup of wrath is filling up.    

The king of kings, the Lord Jesus is the rightful ruler of this world.  He will reclaim it again one day.  We should prepare for that day.  The last words you would ever want to hear are:  "Depart from me I never knew you (Mt 7:23)."  We need to know him.   

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "How can an emotion be rational? The rational response would be to aid the police in tracking [the murderer] down, investing in a better home security system while you're at it."

Why should the police enforce standards of right and wrong but God should not?  If the police or judges fail to enforce standards of law, we call them corrupt and unjust.  Why would we wish for God to be unjust like them?

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "As I said, your interpretation of God is far from perfect and thus is rejected. I never argued that I would reject all interpretations of God."

Does your god happen to believe just as you--as a "pinko commie" as you describe yourself?  Our idols typically descend to the morality we ourselves are willing to tolerate. 

Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "The Judicial system sets the standard of right and wrong in accordance with the laws passed..."

Where do laws come from?  Where do our rights come from in your worldview? 

Homosexuality = Arrested Development