[How Can the Bible Claim to Be the Most Powerful Weapon? by Steve Ham, AiG-U.S.] Imagine being given the words of eternal life. Therein is the power of God’s Word. Today’s message is simple. The most important message anyone will ever hear is that we are in a sinful state and in need of a savior. Jesus is that Savior, and through His death and resurrection, we can receive eternal life by repenting and believing in Him (John 3:16; Mark 1:15). The power in this message is the difference between eternal mercy and eternal judgment—much more than just words on a page. This is the Word of God.
Throughout human history there have been battles, triumphs, defeats, advancements, tragedies, great charity, and great persecutions. The power wielded in the great conflicts on the physical battlefield alone has captured the attention of the whole world. Yet God’s Word says the following about the great wonders of human endeavor: “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14). The writer of Ecclesiastes is revealing that man’s actions come and go, do not last, and are utterly predictable: man will wield power for a time and then lose it—and at the end, the power of man becomes irrelevant.
God’s Word is different. It is the power of One who is always present in every time and everywhere. Scripture is the power of the light of God’s truth; it displays our utter weakness in sin. It is the power of His authority to both judge rebellion and deliver mercy. God’s Word is the power of the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. All of this power is eternal and limitless. This is the power of the almighty God displayed in His written Word and through His mighty work of salvation. Is the Bible the most powerful weapon on earth? The answer is a resounding yes. In acceptance of the Bible’s message, it has power unto salvation because it bears the endorsement of the living God. In rejection of its message, God’s Word has power unto eternal condemnation. Achievements of mankind will come and go, but the Word of the Lord will go on forever. http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2010/06/23/bible-powerful-weapon