How Many Souls Has TOL Saved?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Some people here tried to "save" me. They seemed quite delusional. They also seemed rather bitter and hateful. Who wants that?"
Truth is hate to those who hate truth (Enyart). We give out the word of God. You do with it what you will. It is our hope that there is a harvest when we plant the seed, but that is not always the case. While it is day, we plant (Jn 9:4).
"I'm sure the countless testimonies that this thread will generate of former lost souls who owe their salvation to the good work of TOLers..."
If one person gets saved over these discussions, it is well worth it. They will be our loved one forever (Jas 4:14).
"I've actually unconverted at least 3 people from Christianity by simply showing them how to use critical thinking."
1 Jn 2:19.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "[P]eople tell me I need to be saved. Saved from what?"
Hell and damnation. You need to be saved from God's wrath (Jn 3:36).
How Many Lost Souls Has
TOL Saved?