How do you start a civil war?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You have to have a way to easily take down all forms of air craft from a hand held unit or possibly light truck mounted, it has to be accurate and has to take down high altitude bombers as well as low flying helicopters. Beam weapons are the only way since there is no counter measure to them and you remove the air attack element. You also have to have a way to detect incoming missiles and shoot them down with the same weapon. You still have to contend with satellites but if they cant touch you from the air who cares if they see what your doing..."
Or you could share the word of God (2 Co 10:4, 1 Pet. 2:13–17).
"That[']s probably a better option, I just really like the concept of energy weapons."
One day weapons
of warfare will loose their appeal.
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall
rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war anymore [Isa.
"“He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people.” The period of
the reign of Christ on the earth during the Millennium is another trial period
for mankind. And there will be a great many judged during that period; and, of
course, multitudes will be saved during that time also.
“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into
pruninghooks”—the rule of the Lord upon earth at this time will be righteous,
and He will compel the nations to practice justice and fairness with each other.
For the first time all countries will dwell together in peace. Only during the
kingdom age will the people be able to beat their swords into plowshares.
Joel 3:10 tells us that
during the Tribulation just the opposite will be true: the people will beat
their plowshares into swords. In fact, we are living in times like that right
now. The idea of disarming nations and disarming individuals is, in my judgment,
contrary to the Word of God. In the New Testament the Lord Jesus said, “When a
strong man armed keepeth his palace …” (Luke
11:21). If you are going to have peace and
safety, you must have law and order. The prophecy of beating swords into
plowshares will be fulfilled during the Millennium, when the Lord Jesus is
reigning. Then you will be able to take the locks off of your doors, and you
will be able to walk the streets at night in safety. You will not be drafted,
because there will be no more war. There will be no more need for weapons for
defense. The kingdom that the Lord is going to establish upon earth will be one
of peace. He is the Prince of Peace.
It is futile, nonsensical, and asinine for any man or nation to promise to bring
peace upon the earth today. The United Nations, which was founded to help bring
peace on earth, is one of the greatest places to carry on battles. It has proven
how impotent it is. It cannot bring peace on earth. It has only increased
dictatorship on the earth. We do not have peace in the world. If you are a child
of God with your thinking cap on and begin to think God’s thoughts after Him,
you will find that you are living in a big, bad, evil world. If you expect to
see a brotherhood of all men, you are doomed to disappointment, because man is
not capable of bringing peace to this earth. There will be no peace as long as
there is sin in the hearts of men and an overweening ambition to rule over other
people." McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville :
Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 3:195