How does God want us to respond when people ridicule us and call us names?
Welcome. Nice
to have you here.
Jesus was mocked. Those who hate the
Lord have a natural affinity for one
Herod and Pilate became friends (Lk
23:11-12). Enyart.
You will be mocked (Heb. 11:36). The
servant is not greater than the
master. They hated him. They'll hate
you, too (Jn 15:20-24). Count it all
joy (Jas 1:2).
How do we react? We love them (Lk
6:35). We prove that by telling them
the truth (Ac 20:20, 2 Cor 5:11, Pr
One day our time of testing will be
over (Heb 3:8, Lk 8:13). We keep on
keepin' on.
Take it Easy
~ The Eagles
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[A]s long as they are not Catholic."
Are you CaTholic?
I thought you were a Jew.
Me love you long time, Chrysostom.
Me prove it to you by telling you troof (Ju 11).
does God want us to respond when
people ridicule us and call us