How does "information" increase in creationism?
Response to comment [from other]: [information]
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [creationism/kinds]
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...SD will continue to do this regardless of any complaints, to the point of even getting banned..."
I sense a
ban coming on already. The next one will be for a year. I'm thinking about
taking up badminton.
Sorry, you'll have to play YEC without me.
I'm not permitted to quote A.I.G. material.
Response to comment [from other]: "Why send an electrical engineer to discuss biology/genetics?"
I suppose you'd have to read the link to see what
question it answers.
I had hoped that the clue "information" would help.
"That is even less relevant..."
"What would you do with a brain if you had one?" ~ Dorothy, Wizard of Oz
Response to comment [from "You'll not be banned for linking to AIG..."
YEC is where the spiritual battle rages (Ge 1-11).
I suggest you study up on it.
Response to comment [from other]: "...merely linking to irrelevant essays..."
You are free to read the link or not read it.
I'd love to highlight the most important point but that doesn't tend to work out
so well.
If you need this information spoon fed--ask your mommy to help.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "ig function is a great invention."
Granite should take your advise on this.
He was so much happier when he had me on his ignore list.
Response to comment [from other]: "Funny how often Christian YECs seem to feel the need to do that, eh?"
We like the truth (Jn
"...ignorant layman...on ignore...."
You have a religious commitment to accepting huge improbabilities. Most people do.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You'll not be banned for linking to AIG. You'll be banned from repetitively posting links without engaging in the conversation."
That's not why I was banned.
Response to comment [from other]: ""Your electrical engineer creationist's hackneyed diatribe was irrelevant."
I believe it is relevant.
"[S]imply doing a keyword search at your favorite YEC webiste and linking to the returns with some added argumentum ad verecundiam is not a guarantee that the article is relevant..."
I read my own highlights from this book. Again, accept it or reject it but it is not irrelevant.
Response to comment [from other]: "[I read my own highlights from this book...] "Ha ha ha, the new arrival pegged you pretty quickly. Why do you think that is, SD?"
Will my chicken scratched index help this person? No. He has a religious commitment to naturalism and uniformitarianism (materialism).
Response to comment [from an agnostic]: "And you're in denial, so you sink deeper into willful psychosis."
How wude (Jar Jar).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "serpentdove, a short time back you got in a bit of trouble at TOL for incessantly posting extended sections of other websites, usually with minimal original commentary of your own."
That is not why I was banned.
If this is of great interest to you, visit "The Woodshed" for more details.
By the way, you've got that backward (2
Pe 3:5).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "SD .. this is a great lesson to learn. Complying with this rule will not save you from banishment."
What rule?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [phylogenetic trees] "...[S]ame as family..."
"...While evolutionists accept that these types of
changes occur, their model requires that most genetic changes add information to
the genome. This pattern has not been observed....(
The New Answers Book 3, Ham, pg. 338)."
Why Did God Make Viruses?
"I'm the boss! Need the info." ~ Dr. Evil
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[T]he [New Answers] book yes. The perfect source for garbage in garbage out."
Ad hominem.
Don't let little things like
facts get in the way of your
religion of materialism.
As a reminder, God is holy (Ex
1Sa 2:2).
"unicorns are not real"
Why is it so hard to believe a unicorn existed once?
Unicorns in the Bible?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: " ...[I]s the [B]ook of [M]ormom a reliable source of history?"
No, it has demstratable errors. Only the scriptures are true (Jas 1:18, Dan 10:21).
"Nobody here has ever thought you [were] getting any facts in to what you say."
Truth is truth independent from me (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160).
[As a reminder, God is holy (Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2).] "Don't let reality get in the way of your delusions."
I could be delusional and God would still be holy (Ex 15:11; 1Sa 2:2).
does "information" increase in creationism?