How To Know for Sure That You Are Saved

You know you are saved when you love (1 Jn 3:14).

"If your religion has not changed your life, you'd better change your religion." ~ Adrian Rogers

The Calvinist is always wondering, "Have I been predestinated, am I really one of the chosen ones?"

They are in the in crowd (Re 3:17). They say God accomplishes what he sets out to accomplish. They say God is irresistible and sort of forget that men resist him every day (Jer 17:9).

In Catholicism the question is "Am I good enough, am I doing enough good works?"

They are good enough on Sunday and then repeat their sins Monday through Saturday (Jn 8:34).

CatholicCrusader View Post
[Not a hope so salvation; a know so salvation.] That is false.

Live by the flesh--die (Ro 8:13).

You're like a black and white cookie. Half and half right now--little bit of good; Little bit of bad. You have a choice to choose life (Josh 24:15). When you take the mark of the beast, you will be unable from that point to ever choose life again (Re 14:9).

Look to the cookie (Re 3:18). Your heart is not completely black--yet.

rickyg0000 View Post
I, as a Catholic can never be certain if I'll be saved.

How To Know for Sure That You Are Saved