I'm new am I missing something?
Response to comment [Newbie comments on too many anti-trinitarian threads]
Sorry for bad first impressions
Modern Example: Mormonism - Jesus was a created being and the Spirit-brother of
Lucifer, who became a god. Mormonism teaches that there are many gods and we too
can become gods.
Modalism (also Sabellianism, Modalistic
Modern Example: United Pentecostal Church - "Jesus only", there is only one God
who manifests himself in three modes. God is essentially playing different roles
and the assumption is that in the Old Testament he revealed himself as the
Father, in the New Testament God reveals himself as Jesus, and in the church-age
as Holy Spirit.
Arianism (Dynamic Monarchianism):
Modern Example: Jehovah's Witnesses - Denying the deity of Jesus and the Holy
Spirit. Jesus was a created being adopted by God, and the Holy Spirit is simply
the power of God or a force..." Full text:
Sermon on the Trinity
"It seems like no one other than a couple of people respond to these. Is there some sort of TOL unwritten code about this not responding? Or is everyone generally in agreement with Aner, keypurr, etc?"
They're so tedious. It's like going to the
You're right, we should not let their lies go unchecked. Don't forget to
check out
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). "We're on a baby hunt...and don't think
we don't know how to weed 'em out (SpongeBob Movie)."
Nice to have you aboard, hahnz.
You know this will turn into a trinity thread, don't you?
Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2 Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude
1:20,21; Re 1:4,5.
...and they smell.
"Was a history major/ religion minor in school..."
I like you already. Say something stupid so we
can harp on you.
"There is a tension inherent between those who have repented before God an those
who have not. 'We exhale deeply when a tension is relieved; tension points
toward resolution; if we are creating the tension, we can relieve it by
reversing course, and thus being comforted by our repentance (Enyart, pg. 200,
Battle Royale X: Does God Know Your Entire Future?')."
We in the West are often accused of having shallow relationships. Some people prefer more genuine relationships, free of what psychologists call "black boxes" or topics we do not discuss with another. When we share the gospel with friends and family members and they fail to repent, it is a reproach on God. The gospel is in essence about an intimacy with our Father in heaven. The Christian shares a deep, personal relationship with God and with other Christians. Christians are often called "square" or abnormal in some way. In reality, it is the Christian who is normal. Jesus came that we might be redeemed. It is His plan and purpose for our lives.
The more we love truth, the more zeal we have to share our faith with others. When others refuse to repent, it is dangerous. When God is dishonored He feels pain: "The zeal of your house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached you are fallen on me (Ps 69:9, AKJV)..." Full text: Armor of the Lord
new am I missing something?