ICR Debuts YOM Conference in Dallas


Is the study of origins really important? Important enough to invest in scientific research? The overwhelming answer heard last Saturday at the Dallas Your Origins Matter Conference was, "Absolutely!"

In conjunction with speakers from the science team at the Institute for Creation Research, Your Origins Matter (YOM) launched its public initiative in downtown Dallas where hundreds heard from experts in the field why their origins really do matter.

Dr. Henry Morris III, CEO at the Institute, introduced attendees to the significance of origins research, particularly in the fields of astronomy and biology, and how our understanding of Genesis is crucial to knowing the Creator.

ICR's new Director of Research, Dr. Jason Lisle, kicked off the day with evidence from the cosmos that points to divine design—how our observation and study of space allows us to glimpse the glory of the Creator.

Harvard graduate Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, who leads the life science research at ICR, focused our attention on the microscopic, demonstrating that the cell is both extremely complex and divinely engineered.

Medical doctor Randy Guliuzza, who travels throughout the nation speaking on the human body and creation apologetics, gave us a glimpse of the irreducible complexity of the human body, starting right at conception.

Special guest Col. Jeff Williams, a NASA astronaut, showed us the greatness of God with photographs of earth from the International Space Station, where he has worked numerous times. The earth is rich with evidence of the work of the Creator's hands.

YOM director Lalo Gunther and his staff were on hand not only for this conference debut, but to also launch this new YOM blog, where readers will find tools to dig deeper into the study of origins and why it really matters. Visit www.youroriginsmatter.com and join the conversation.
