I'd like to take some time to clear some things up


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "The only toys I had that my father approved of were Legos, Construx, Tinkertoys and Lincoln Logs. Every time my father caught me playing with my He-Man toys or my Gi Joes he would call me a girl or a fag and make fun of me......[I]t really is far better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not..."


Your dad was wrong--Legos are gay, too.

You are a man and must live like one: "Jesus' message was: Sin will kill you, hell is real, God is merciful, his kingdom will change you, and I am your passport (MacGregor, Prys, pg. 225)."
Ge 2:18, Mt 19:3-9, 1 Cor 6:9, Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4.


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "His big problem is rejection of God/Christ. The gay tendency is symptomatic."

He has sunk to the deepest depths of depravity (Ro 1:28).


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  [God hater provides encouragement to Sodomite] "This is true hatred from one of the most wicked people here....She hates you."


That's right (Pr 27:5).


Response to comment [from an atheist]:  "If your god is real, I have yet to see proof that he is."


That's not what he says. You have an internal witness (Ps 40:8), an external witness (Ps 19:1), and the scriptures.  You are without excuse (Ro 1:20). 


"I'll live my life as I see fit, thank you very much. Don't like it? go cry in your Bible."


You are a humanist.  One day you'll find out that you aren't God.


"Man's own religion usually descends to the fleshly life to which they themselves practice." ~ Jim Andrews


"So he's real because a book written by bronze age goat herders says so? Does that make Zeus real too? What about Odin? Ra?"


"'Internal proof' is the term used to describe the Bible's divine origin. The fact that forty different authors from several different countries, sharing almost no mutual acquaintance, wrote sixty-six books in three different languages over the course of two thousand years, yet produced essentially one book with one clear message is strong evidence that God was behind the writings of Scripture. Though some books were historical, others prophetical, some devotional, and still others ethical, yet the writers created one unified text. Its shared thoughts about God, man, sin, eternal punishment, and the mode of salvation are all strong proofs that the book is a revelation from God (MacGregor, Prys, pg. 230)."


Inspired Scripture


"So if a book has several contributors, that makes it fact?"


The Bible is true.

"The concept of general revelation...takes place within mankind. Since man is made in God's image, being personal and having a capacity for love, creativity, and history means we cannot escape the notion that man was created by a loving, creative God. And since man has a built-in ethical inclination, the theistic implication is that man holds the truth of his origin within himself, but continually attempts to suppress this indicator of the divine so that he can become his own God... (MacGregor, Prys, pg. 229)."
Ro 1:18-23.


I'd like to take some time to clear some things up