Identity by Ideology


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I have been puzzling, lately, over the modern (mostly) American phenomenon of intertwining self-identity with ideology."


We don't check our Christianity at the door.

Recommended Reading:

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey


"I'm referring to the steady and significant increase in the number of Americans who conflate their own identity with some particular ideology, both on a personal level and in groups.

Fifty years ago, very few Americans would have thought of themselves as being republican or democrat, liberal or conservative, religious or agnostic, capitalist or socialist, pro or anti abortion, pro or anti contraception, pro or anti gay rights, pro or anti taxation, pro or anti climate change and carbon emission control, pro or anti government regulation, and so on. Certainly people had opinions about these issues, and tended to come down on one side of them or another, but people didn't consider the ideologies that led them to their opinions on these issues to be the defining factor in 'who they are'. And yet now days that seems to have become surprisingly commonplace."


"Some people believe Christianity is like checking a box Democrat or Republican....Can we say if you do not follow Christ you are not a Christ-follower?--A Christian." ~ Darrell Ferguson


AOG Study Notes


"I hear songs on the radio all the time about how proud the country bumpkin is to be a country bumpkin."


Ruth was a country bumpkin (Ru 1:4).


"Clearly, it's the greatest thing about the singer's life. And I hear songs about how bad the bad-boy rapper is and how he wants us all to know how bad he is.  Because clearly, his anti-social, even criminal badness is paramount to his view of himself."


How bad he is How badly he wants to make money



"And on the religious stations I hear songs and stories about how righteous the Bible Christians are and how we'd all better become one or we're going to hell."


Trust in Jesus - Third Day


"Or I can switch to talk radio and hear hours upon hours devoted to expressing how "our" ideology is always right, and "their" ideology is always wrong."


Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10


"How "we" who adhere to this ideology are the good guys, while "they" who adhere to that ideology are the bad guys."


Ro 1:16


"...[W]e are becoming more and more divided against each other by our ideological differences. Differences that we would not be tripping over if we were identifying ourselves and each other as human beings, first, rather than as ideological manifestations."


Are you a utopian? Lk 12:51. At the end, there will be a falling away (Mt 24:12). People are lining up on one side or the other. Be sure you're on the right side. Josh 24:15

Identity by Ideology