If you view pornography can you still call yourself Christian?
It's unlikely (Luke 8:35, 2 Pe 1:6, Mt 7:20, 2 Cor 13:5).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Considering how often it happens I'd have to say that "of course" is the correct answer to the OP's question."
How would a
Satanist know this? The reprobate mind: does not have Christ (2 Cor. 13:3–5),
rejects the faith (2 Tim. 3:8), has spiritual barrenness (Heb. 6:7, 8), a lack
of discipline (1 Cor. 9:24–27) and is rejected by the Lord (Jer. 6:30).
Run along home little doggie (Pr 26:11; Mt 7:6; 2 Pe 2:22).
"Free sexual expression and the celebration of the body aren't anything to be discouraged..."
"New morality
is old sin." ~ J. Vernon McGee
Mt 15:19, 1 Cor 5:9-11, 6:18, Re 17:1-5
"There's something inherently misogynistic (or at least very, very confused and
mixed up) in calling the naked form ugly, disgusting, or something to be
We needed a
Satanist to tell us that God's creation is a good thing?
Ge 1:31. "Using your body in a way that God did not intend, is like hitching a
plow to the back of a Cadillac. You'll destroy your car. Disobey God and you'll
destroy not only your physical body , but your heart, mind and soul as well (Pv
5:11). God is not a cosmic killjoy just wanting to take away your fun (Hanegraaff).
Every kick has its kick back (Rogers). The playboy's payday is death (Rogers).
Payday-- someday. Our lives belong to God. They are not our own. Dishonoring
ourselves is dishonoring God as we are made in His image..." Full text:
Armor of the Lord
"While porn may pose a problem for some weak souls..."
You can tell us
how to get a strong soul?
Mt 13:48
"...[W]hich could lead to an addiction..."
Once they've
believed you in the first place (2
Pet. 2:19,
how can they then break their addiction?
Is this about the time you recommend you little blue pill?
"...[T]hat's the price you pay for living in a free society..."
Pay to be a
slave (Jn
Thanks, Satanist.
Any more nuggets of truth for us today?
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"Porn flaunts freedom and struts around on liberty, and I like that just fine."
"A homosexual might say that he practices sexual perversion because God made him that way. A pedophile could say the same thing. He practices sexual perversion because God also made him that way. Once you choose to sin, that is the conception of a child, the Bible teaches, called sin. " When lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death (Jms 1:15, NASB)..." Full text: Armor of the Lord
"Five bucks says SD is responding to
a post of mine...[mock] SD."
You aren't trying to convince others that I am
elderly and
prudish today.
Are you low on dog vitamins? 2 Pe 2:22
The Office
: Top 10 Michael Scott vs Toby Flenderson Moments
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I'm elderly and prudish and will defend Prudedom to the death!"
Prudes unite!
Anne Bradstreet: America's first poet
you view pornography can you still call yourself Christian?