"Immigrants" [non citizens] Voting
"As Arizona tries to make illegal immigrants a
little more uncomfortable, residents in Portland, Maine are trying to
make legal immigrants more comfortable.
'Legal immigrants are an important part of our community,” says Will
Everitt as he walks down Congress Street, just a block from City Hall.
“They contribute a lot.'
Everitt is from the Maine League of Young Voters, a group that’s
sponsoring a ballot initiative to give non-citizen legal immigrants the
right to vote in Portland City elections. . “They’re sending their kids
to our schools,” he says. “And they should be able to have a right to
vote for say the school committee...” Full text:
Maine Seeks to Extend Vote to “Immigrants”
You see no trouble forming here?
Matt. 13:41
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "So?"
You see no trouble forming here?
Matt. 13:41
Ok, carry on...
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Representation with taxation?..."
You could at least get the talking point right.
You love lawlessness don't you?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "A city wants the people sending their kids to their schools to be able to vote for school council? Doesn't seem to sinister."
Should a person be a citizen before he/she is
permitted to vote?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Non-citizens can serve in the US Armed Forces. They can fight and die for America but can't vote?"
Would you require non-citizens to serve say two years in the army, then allow them to vote?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Portland Maine has it's own army?"
The U.S. army.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[E]lection for a school council is the same as an election for the Senate or the House."
How 'bout we let citizens vote and call it a day?
"...Students of social movements, state and local governments, or public policy will fasten onto the discussions of strategies, tactics, and coalitions: How broad should proposals for non-citizen suffrage be? In particular, should the undocumented be included and should the vote be confined to school elections? Should the struggle for the ballot be integrated into larger campaigns for immigrant rights or kept separate from them? How should advocates approach state legislators, whose support is often needed to authorize local actions? How rapidly should suffrage expansion be pushed? For opponents of immigrant voting, the principal calculation is whether opposition will alienate voters from the immigrants' ethnic groups..." Kousser, J. Morgan. "Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States." Political Science Quarterly 121.4 (2006): 724+. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 2 Sept. 2010.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I don't see the connection."
We like law and order (Matt. 24:12; 2 Pet. 2:8). I'm just sort of looking at where we are headed.
"Who's "we"? Is there more than one of you in there?"
We, meaning Christians. :sleep:
"Could you please enlighten me and the rest of the internet as to what the sam hill religion has to do with voting on city elections in Portland Maine?"
I'm making the point that lawlessness is the result of inequity (Matt. 13:41)--sort of the times we live in--and it's annoying (Matt. 24:12; 2 Pet. 2:8).
"Do you for some reason think the immigrants in Portland Maine aren't Christian?"
No. I'm sure they're descent people.
"Do you for some reason think that the immigrants in Portland Maine don't value "law and order"."
I'm sure the Christian immigrants value law and order. Many would agree with me that first one should become a citizen and then they should be given voting privileges. Do you assume that all immigrants are Leftists?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I think we're done here."
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