In a Word
If someone were to describe you in just one word, what would you want it to be?
Holy (Prov.
Response to comment [from other]: "The one-word version of "holy smokes, Batman"?"
I'm interested in holiness. How 'bout you cheesy?
"Not sure the truly holy brag about being holy. Try "sanctimonious". I think it fits you better..."
Ad hominem.
Holiness is the goal. I'm not there yet (1
Kings 8:46;
Prov. 20:9;
Eccl. 7:20;
James 3:2;
1 John 1:8).
How 'bout you cheesy? Are you interested in holiness? Or, do you love
your sin too much?
"If you're not holy, then why describe yourself as such?"
I don't describe myself as such.
The question was: What would you want it [a description of you] to
"I am certainly interested in holiness. Just don't expect me to brag too much when I do right..."
When do you do right?