Is belief in the deity of Christ an essential belief if one claims to be Christian?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Every truth about the Father is also exemplified in Jesus."
SD: “ Could he [jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did
Was there ever a time when Jesus did not
Jn 1:1
Could or would God have sinned before the
"...For God is not merely mending, not
simply restoring a status quo. Redeemed
humanity is to be something more glorious
than unfallen humanity would have been, more
glorious than any unfallen race now is (if
at this moment the night sky conceals any
such). The greater the sin, the greater the
mercy: the deeper the death the brighter the
rebirth. And this super-added glory will,
with true vicariousness, exalt all creatures
and those who have never fallen will thus
bless Adam's fall.
I write so far on the assumption that the
Incarnation was occasioned only by the Fall
(pg. 411, Lewis)."
"...[C]ounterfeit Christ (2 Cor. 11:4)....object of faith must be genuine vs fake (like New Age guru jesus/christ)."
...Like your false Christ (Mt
SD: “ Could he [jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did
Jesus was manifested to put away sin--not to
sin himself (Heb
"The Bible does clearly teach that Jesus is YHWH, the one true God..."
SD: “ Could he [jesus]
have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did
You can sin because
you are a sinner. God would not sin because
he is not a sinner (Heb
You thought he was just like you?
Ps 50:21, NASB
These things
hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou
thoughtest that I was altogether such an one
as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set
them in order before thine eyes.
Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest
I tear you in pieces, and there be none to
deliver [Ps.
"My friend, God is not speaking only to
Israel, He is speaking to us in our day
also. He unmasks hypocrisy. Because God is
silent does not mean that He approves. There
is a day of reckoning coming. God says, “I
will reprove thee, and set them [your sins]
in order before thine eyes.” "McGee, J. V.
(1997). Thru the Bible commentary
(electronic ed., Vol. 2, p. 760). Nashville:
Thomas Nelson.
"Demons know He is God..."
SD: “ Could he [jesus]
have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did
All sin comes from a wicked heart (Jer
Confession admits the heart issue (Ps 51).
Agree with God about your (not his [Heb
Jn 1:1]
"Human death, according to the Christians,
is a result of human sin; Man, as originally
created, was immune from it...
...The spirit was once not a garrison,
maintaining its post with difficulty in a
hostile Nature, but was fully 'at home' with
its organism, like a king in his own country
or a rider on his own horse--or better
still, as the human part of a Centaur was
'at home' with the equine part. Where
spirit's power over the organism was
complete and unresisted, death would never
occur (Lewis, pg 414)."
Is human death the result of human sin? Who
did that offend and why?
Why would sin offend God if he could or
would sin himself? What's the quarrel about
if God is a sinner like man? Why did Jesus
have to die on a cross? Why undo man's evil
act of rebellion?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...he obeyed perfectly."
Submission does not
mean inferiority (Heb 2:9). Jesus is committed to righteousness (Jn
1:1, Heb 4:15, Isa 45:21–24).
We die because we are sinners in Adam (Eze 18:20, Ro 5:15, 3:10–18). Jesus laid
down his life for us (1 Jn 3:16).
"The Enemy persuades man to rebel against God: Man, by doing so, loses power to
control that other rebellion which the Enemy now raises in Man's organism (both
psychical and physical) against Mans' spirit: just as that organism, in its
turn, loses power to maintain itself against the rebellion of the inorganic. In
that way, Satan produced human Death. But when God created Man he gave him such
a constitution that, if the highest part of it rebelled against Himself, it
would be bound to lose control over the lower parts: i.e. in the long run to
suffer Death. This provision may be regarded equally as a punitive sentence ('In
the day ye eat of that fruit ye shall die'), as a mercy, and as a safety device.
It is punishment because Death--that Death of which Martha says to Christ 'But'll smell'--is the horror and ignominy. ('I am not so much
afraid of death as ashamed of it,' said Sir Thomas Browne). It is mercy because
by willing and humble surrender to it Man undoes his act of rebellion and makes
even this depraved and monstrous mode of Death and instance of that higher and
mystical Death which is eternally good and a necessary ingredient in the highest
life. 'The readiness is all'--not, of course, the merely heroic readiness but
that of humility and self-renunciation. Or enemy, so welcomed, becomes our
servant: bodily Death, the monster, becomes blessed spiritual Death to self, if
the spirit so wills--rather if it allows the Spirit of the willingly dying God
so to will in it. It is a safety-device because, once Man has fallen, natural
immortality would be the one utterly hopeless destiny for him. Aided to the
surrender that he must make by no external necessity of Death, free (if you call
it freedom) to rivet faster and faster about himself through unending centuries
the chains of his own pride and lust and of the nightmare civilizations which
these build up in ever-increasing power and complication, he would progress from
being merely a fallen man to being a fiend, possibly beyond all modes of
redemption. This danger was averted (pg. 417, Lewis)."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "We agree on the Deity of Christ, but disagree on modalism vs trinitarianism..."
SD: “ Could he [jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
If you can fix your sin, then you don't need Jesus (Lk
19:10). You can't fix your sin, so you need
Jesus (Mt
Mk 2:7). Jesus didn't
need Jesus (Heb
4:15) because he was/is Jesus (Jn
Jn 8:58,
Ac 17:24-25).
"For the serious student and God's Truth..."
SD: “ Could he [jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did
The angels sins holy, holy, holy around the
throne. What do you plan to add to the
chorus? Sinner, sinner, sinner?
Re 4:8
"What right does a man have to call himself
a Christian and a child of the Father if he
does not bear the nature of the Father?
God's nature is holiness and we are
partakers of the divine nature." ~ Adrian
Lev 11:45
The Highway to Holiness
by Adrian Rogers Godrulz: “I believe
He could have, but did not…”
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the
fruit test
[The Kingdom Invasion: Only God Can by Jeff
Schwarzentraub paraphrased notes ] "...Only
God is God and he's coming to us in flesh (Jn
1:1). Why
didn't Jesus sin? Because his DNA didn't
have sin. His flesh was conceived by the
Holy Spirit. There's nothing wrong with
flesh. The only thing that's wrong with my
flesh is that it's sin-stained. Jesus was
flesh like us but he didn't have sinful
flesh like us (Heb
4:15). He's
not kind of like a God or later will later
become a God. He has always been and will
always be--God. The only reason he did not
sin is because he cannot have sin in his
life is if he's conceived by the Holy
Spirit....God made him who had no sin
(that's Jesus) to become sin for us so that
in him we might become the righteousness of
God (2
Co 5:21).
God took all of our sin and put it on his
Son who never sinned and punished His Son as
a sinner in our place so that we could be
set free from our sin. If Jesus Christ
hasn't been born of a virgin--it's doesn't
matter. If Jesus was not born of a virgin
than, he's not sinless. If he's not sinless
than He's not God. If he's not God, the
Bible is not true. If the Bible is not true,
then Jesus did not rise from the dead; you
are still dead in your trespasses and
sins--there is no hope in the world and me
as a preacher am to be pitied among all men
because that's all I proclaim..."
The Kingdom Invasion Only God Can
paraphrased notes by Jeff Schwarzentraub
belief in the deity of Christ an essential
belief if one claims to be Christian?