Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "The message of the Bible is that God is God and we are not."
Depends on
what the meaning of God is (Jn
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have,
but did not…”
Jesus' blood was: sinless blood,
innocent blood, God's blood (Ac
Too bad you make no distinction
between sinful men (Ps
and sinless Jesus (Heb
"Too bad."
~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
His Unequaled Birth
(right click, open) by Adrian Rogers
"You and I both agree on essential doctrine of God/Christology."
You are a modalist (Eph
I am a Christian (Jn
Heb 4:15).
"We both strongly affirm that God is perfect, holy, sinless and that the God-Man, Jesus, is also sinless (always was, always will be)."
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
Had Adam not sinned, could or would Jesus have sinned?
Ge 1:31,
Ps 51:5
"...You are an idiot..."
Ad hominem
"I am a Christian who worships the triune God..."
You are an antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
"...[B]ut rejects some of your ideas gleaned from your favorite Calvinistic authors."
I reject Calvinism (Eph
When one offends an eternal and holy
God (Jn
Heb 4:14)
his punishment is rightly
everlasting (2
Thess 1:9).
"..."[D]eath does not mean
annihilation, but separation. Adam
and Eve died spiritually the moment
thye sinned, yet they still existed
and could hear God's voice (Gen.
Likewise, before one is saved, he is
"dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph.
and yet he is still in God's mage (Gen.
James 3:9)
and is called on to believe (Acts
and to repent (Acts
and be saved (Geisler, Howe, pg.
[You a modalist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
"I affirm the triune God, Deity and
resurrection of Christ, virgin
conception, humanity of Christ,
What percentage of deity was Jesus?
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
"Many believe Christ to be a savior, but not the Savior. These skeptics put Jesus in the same class with Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, Ghandi, and others. But Jesus was unique. He was God in human flesh — 100% God and 100% man..." Full text: Who Is This Man Called Jesus? by Adrian Rogers
"...[J]ust like you..."
Ga 5:9,
Eph 4:14
SD: "Was there ever a time that Jesus did not exist?
Jn 1:1 Was
Jesus raised bodily?
Godrulz: "...I answered your question as no, but it needs
qualification, lest we teach a false view that the body of Jesus of
Nazareth from Mary is eternal (it was not)."
"...You are an idiot."
Ad hominem
Jesus could sin, then he could die.
Jesus defeated sin. He was not
overcome by it.
""...[D]eath spread to all men" (Rom
...Christ abolished death officially
when He personally defeated it by
His resurrection. However, physical
death will not be completely
destroyed actually until He returns
again and "death is swallowed up in
victory" (1
Cor. 15:54)."
Geisler, Howe, pg. 503)."
"Serpent is clueless and lacks credibility and integrity."
Ad hominem
"...I am [T]rinitarian..."
What do you
mean by God when you say God-man? Do
you mean Jehovah God?
Isa 10:21.
Is Jesus co-equal and co-eternal
with God, the Father?
His Undiminished Deity
(right click, open) by Adrian Rogers
[To member] "I am a monotheist, not a modalist...and reject your modalistic-like views."
You're projecting again.
Eph 4:14
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have,
but did not…”
God cannot err (Heb
Tit 1:2;
Jn 17:17).
"The Bible declares that Jesus was absolutely perfect and without sin, even in His human nature (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15; 1 Peter 2:22; 3:18; 1 John 3:3)...
Jesus was absolutely and unchangeably perfect in His divine nature. God is perfect (Matt. 5:48), and He cannot change (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 6:18). But Jesus was also human, and as such was subject to change, though without sin. For example, "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature" (Luke 2:52)....He "learned obedience by the things which He suffered" (Heb. 5:8). In this sense He was "made perfect" in that He experienced the perfecting work of suffering in His own sinless life (cf. Job 23:10; Heb. 12:11; James 1:2-4). That is, He gained all the experiential benefits of suffering without sinning (Heb. 4:15). In this way He can be of real comfort and encouragement to those who suffer....
The writer of Hebrews speaks...about Christ's coming so "that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil." Geisler, Howe, pg. 511.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Jesus is no example to others if He was God at birth and neither could God be tempted or die as Jesus did."
As a reminder Lazy Afternoon is
number 11 on
Satan, Inc. (TOL's heretic's list)
in the 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians)
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...AMR is an expert on the trinity and knows that I am trinitarian..."
Argument Ad Verecundium (appeal to improper authority)
"...You accuse me of being modalistic."
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
"You think the impeccability of Christ debate..."
Jesus' sinlessness is essential Christian doctrine (Jn
Heb 4:15).
"You have no credibility or integrity."
Ad hominem
"Go back to your day job. Theology is over your head."
Argument ad populum (snob approach)
God does not sin (1
Jn 5:17,
Lev 11:44,
Hab 1:13).
He is committed to righteousness (Ps
11:7). He has no fallen
nature (Jn
1:1). He has no propensity
to sin (Heb
"Some argue that Christ could not have sinned. They believe
that our Lord was tempted like we are and that He can
sympathize with our weaknesses, but that He was incapable of
sinning. In support of this view they argue, first, that
since Christ was God, and since God cannot sin (Heb
James 1:13),
it follows that Christ could not sin either. Second, since
Christ has no fallen human nature, as we do, he had no
propensity to sin. Finally, they observe that His temptation
was only from without, not from within. Hence, He could be
tempted without having the real possibility of sinning.
Other orthodox scholars believe that Christ had the ability to sin (since possible, but not actual in Jesus' life. To deny this possibility, they believe , would deny His full humanity, His ability to "sympathize with our weaknesses" (Heb 4:15), and would make His temptation into a charade. They not that while Jesus could not sin as God, nonetheless, He could have sinned (but didn't) as God, nonetheless, He could have sinned (but didn't) as man. Since Jesus had two natures, one divine and one human, a distinction must be made in what He could do in each nature. For example, He could not get tired, hungry, or sleepy as God. But He did all o these as man. His diving nature could not die. yet He died as man. Likewise, they argue, Christ could not have sinned as God but could have sinned as man (Geisler, Howe, pg. 512)."
"[S]erpent dope"
Ad hominem
"I fully affirm the sinlessness of Christ..."
What do you mean by Man when you say God-man? Heb 4:15 Did Jesus have a sin nature like every man born in Adam? Ps 51:5. If not, why not? Jn 1:1, Ac 20:28.
"...You say I deny the sinlessness of Christ. I repeatedly say I affirm it."
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned?
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
"...[W]e all agree that
Jesus was human, but did not have a sinful nature..."
SD: “ Could he [Jesus] have sinned? Response to comment [from other]:
[beloved57 quote: "Babies have sinned, that's why they
die!] "How have they sinned exactly? For crying too much?"
No, they are not sinners.
"Babies are sinners, that is why they
Do you believe that babies who die
before having sinned go to hell?
"I discussed that already in my threads!"
Recommended Reading:
[Babies. Given the time and
opportunity to sin; they
will sin.]
Pakistani baby accused
of attempted murder
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Wow! Timothy
neg repped scripture and a question?"
"John 15:18 It 'looks' like it is a neg-rep for Jesus, not
Isn't that always the case? Jn
"That's the incredible sad thing. The passage from Matthew
is Jesus' words, not mine. It 'seems' to me, the scriptures
speak for themselves and we can't argue with them lest we
find ourselves against Our Lord God Jesus Christ." That's
right. When you hear:
that's just your interpretation
Godrulz: “I believe He could have, but did not…”
God is holy.
Attributes of God
But given the time and opportunity to sin; they
will sin. They inherited a sin nature from their parents
(Ps 51:5).
They do cry when nothing's wrong.
You could call them little liars (Ex 20:16).
Death of a Little Child
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
I wouldn't
read those.
--that means I reject said truth
(Ps 119:160).
verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it
to mean..." Full text:
How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson
One clown
around here (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) said: appeal to authority
--referring to God.
Isn't that the point? Jn 1:1-3
the doctrine of Eternal Conscious
Torment biblical or not?