Jerzy (the Jerz) says a lot, yet says nothing of importance!


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The Jerz is one of those posters who frequent[s] this forum yet has almost nothing to offer of value or content..."

I'm sorry you paid attention to him (Ge 3:17).

A few housekeeping items:

This is why I ask you to stop by
Satan, Inc. (TOL's heretic's list) people. He's number 13 in the 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

"He always seems to avoid the proverbial "punch line! He just kind of falls short of "delivering" the goods!  He delivers the letter to the mailbox, but never drops the letter. He buys the paint, but never gets around to, painting the house. The Jerz opens the can but forgets to drink the content..."

In hockey it is called all say no play (Jude 12).

2 Pe 2:17 wells without water. In this verse, Peter uses two poetic figures (“wells” and “clouds”) which represent a precious commodity in the Middle East. A well without water would be a major disappointment in a hot and dry land. Likewise, false teachers have a pretense of spiritual water to quench the thirsty soul, but they actually have nothing to give. clouds carried by a tempest. The coming of clouds would seem to promise rain, but sometimes the storm would blow the clouds on by, leaving the land dry and hot. The false teachers might seem to promise spiritual refreshment, but were all show with no substance (cf. Jude 12). the blackness of darkness. That is, hell (cf. Matt. 8:12; Jude 13.)" MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word Pub., 1997, c1997, S. 2 Pe 2:17

Jerzy (the Jerz) says a lot, yet says nothing of importance!