Jesuit Video Series Promotes Homosexuality
[Jesuit Video Series Promotes Homosexuality Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "A series of videos sponsored by the Jesuits titled "Who Are We To Judge" (in reference to a comment made earlier this year by Pope Francis about homosexual priests) is causing controversy. The video series was produced by the Ignatian News Network, a YouTube channel that is a joint project of the US Jesuits and Loyola Productions in Los Angeles, to feature videos about the work and mission of the American Jesuits. Prominently featured in the series is Arthur Fitzmaurice, the head of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry (CALGM), who said he came to the realization that "God made me to be this gay person." Read more."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "As I've said many times before my friend: the Church is the next institution that the homosexual movement will take over (if we don't stop them dead in their sodomite tracks by recriminalizing homosexuality and getting these perverts the help that they truly need)."
Yes. Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death (Lev. 18:22; 20:13).
"...under old Jewish laws, but nonetheless a crime that needs to be punished."
The bible says
that the death penalty shall not be
remitted (Num 35:31).
God and the Death Penalty
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I think that before the Lord returns it is going to be pretty bad."
It's pretty bad. 2 Ti 3:1-9