Joel Osteen

2 Pe 2:1

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Does anyone actually read the Bible anymore?!"

Exactly. Joel Osteen should be avoided: 

"In the prosperity gospel, also known as the “Word of Faith,” the believer is told to use God, whereas the truth of biblical Christianity is just the opposite—God uses the believer. Word of Faith or prosperity theology sees the Holy Spirit as a power to be put to use for whatever the believer wills. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a Person who enables the believer to do God's will. The prosperity gospel movement closely resembles some of the destructive greed sects that infiltrated the early church. Paul and the other apostles were not accommodating to or conciliatory with the false teachers who propagated such heresy. They identified them as dangerous false teachers and urged Christians to avoid them..." Full text:  What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel?

Apostasy Alert: Joel Osteen and Oprah Preach New Age Magic    

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How Prosperity Preachers Have Distorted And Preverted The Gospel


Joel Osteen