Killer Whale
Should Sea World put the killer whale to death who killed a trainer? The whale has killed two people. A third man snuck into it's tank apparently to swim with the whale. He was also killed. That man actually died of hypothermia but the whale took his swimming trunks off and draped his dead body on his back (stated on Dennis Prager radio program, 25 Feb 10).
Also, what do you think of PETA's response? PETA said that the whale killed because it was enraged being cooped up. They called the animal "12,300 pounds of sheer rage.” They also stated that Sea World’s decision to remain open after the fatal attack was shameful." Story
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Leave the whale alone."
Does it matter what God says:
“If an ox gores a man or a woman to death, then the ox shall surely be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall be acquitted. But if the ox tended to thrust with its horn in times past, and it has been made known to his owner, and he has not kept it confined, so that it has killed a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and its owner also shall be put to death (Ex 21:28-29)."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [better topic]
"God controls the animals (Luke 10:19). Do you believe he should have controlled this one? Why do you believe this whale acted as it did?"
It matters because people are dead. I don't think that people cared for this whale as they should have.
"Animal cruelty should not take place if men truly understand the command to be “caretakers” of the earth. We are to control the numbers of animals so disease and sickness do not kill them off; we are to use the animals for our needs; we are to control animals in a manner in which they are not harmful to humans;...we should protect [animals] from over-killing and abuse. The problem lies in the fact that many do not understand this balance and tend to over-protect or under-protect animals. Animals were created for us to enjoy, so protecting a remnant for others to enjoy is also proper. Proverbs 12:10 tells us, "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel..." Full text: What Does the Bible say About Animal Rights
"They probably shouldn't have imprisoned it in the first place."
I think I'm with you on that.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I understand that this was the third time this particular killer whale had been involved in a fatality like this."
The way I understand it is--in one death, the man died of hypothermia not an attack by this whale. He was attempting to swim in its tank.
"[P]eople responsible for this whale and others aren't held accountable for their behavior."
That's a good point. They were clearly warned by this particular whale and did nothing to prevent another death.
"I would support this law [Ex 21:28-29]."
I would too.
"If you know the animal you are responsible for is dangerous and don't take reasonable steps to prevent it killing're at fault and you're responsible for that death."
Yes, because after it killed the first time, it should never have been trusted again. We think that we know animal behavior, but we don't.
Did you ever hear of Timothy Treadwell who went to live with the bears in Alaska?
"He lived among the coastal grizzly bears of Katmai National Park in Alaska, USA, for approximately 13 seasons. At the end of his 13th season in the park in 2003, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and partially devoured by one or possibly two grizzly bears....An audio recording of the attack survived, but has not been released to the public." Timothy Treadwell
In the recording, the author of a book about it, said that Timothy says that the bear is killing him. Amie, his girlfriend must have wanted to help but she was obviously terrified at what she was hearing so she stayed in the tent.
After it seemed that the bear had gone away, she went out to him. But bears often attack and then go off in the bushes but keep their eye on their pray to ensure it's dead. When she came out, the bear killed her, too.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Let the whales go."
Save the
whales kill the babies.
Unfortunately, animals are under the curse too (Gen.
3:14; 6:7, 17).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You do
realize that fool is pro-life, anti-abortion?"
Right, but it reminded me of the bumper sticker. I'm sure Fool has more passion for saving babies than saving whales--as any rational person of course would. I was very curious to hear how PETA responded to all of this. I'm glad they were not hysterical this time.
They merely suggested that the whales may not prefer to be contained in this way. They may be right (and I'm no PETA fan).
Response to comment [from a Jew]: [Ex 21:28-36]
I think the idea is:
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Ok, now put down the book and tell us how you feel about the situation. Seriously, is that the only way you can make decisions?"
Liberals make decision based on feelings. Christians make decisions based on God's word. The animal should be put to death (Ex 21:28-29).
Response to comment [from "And I feel that is a very bad way to make decisions. What happens if something comes up that isn't in scripture?"
Whose feelings are we supposes to go on? Yours? Mine? The Bible says that the human heart is deceitful and wicked (Jer 17:9). Trust God. His heart is good. Scripture gives us all that we need for living (Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19).
"You still haven't said how you actually feel about the situation."
That's sort of what we've been discussing. I said earlier that I think people did wrong to keep this whale confined as they did. Nevertheless, the animal killed a human being so it must be put to death (Ex 21:28-29). The trainer went to a Sea World show when she was 9 years old. It was her dream to train these whales. I image many kids see this show and have the same dream. It's was a very sad situation.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You know, you have to use some common sense when you read the scripture! These laws were written to protect the people, not to abuse the animal..."
No one argued that. We addressed this point earlier.
"The animal is not at fault."
The animal is responsible for killing a human being.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Lev 26:21-22]
Good point.
to comment [from a Christian]:
"Actually, I may change my
stance on this one.
This killer whale wasn't a
domestic animal that proved
dangerous. ...I think the
particular circumstances here
might just render Ex 21:28-29
not applicable."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The animal did exactly what he was programmed to do..."
Ge 9:1-6:
"[God says] I'm gonna require your life blood, that's really a synonym for your death. I'm gonna require your life blood. Require is a judicial term in Hebrew meaning compensation, recompense, satisfaction - literally to avenge. I'm gonna require compensation from you. And this is a divine death sentence...
...And not only humans, but the Lord first of all says "From every beast I will require it". From every beast. If an animal takes the life of a many, the life of that animal is to be taken. That animal has stepped across the boundary of fear and dread that animals should have toward man, and I require the life of that animal.
Exodus 21:28, "If an ox gores a man or a woman to
death, the ox should surely be stoned, its flesh shall not be eaten, the owner
of the ox shall go unpunished. If, however, an ox was previously in the habit of
goring, and its owner has been warned, yet he doesn't confine it, and it kills a
man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and its owner shall also be put to
death". Hmm, better kill that ox. It could cost you your life. God will avenge
the death of a man on the animal which has broken through the divine fence as it
were of fear and terror to kill a man. So the destruction of that kind of animal
receives divine sanction.
And God doesn't stop with animals. He says verse 5, "From every man's brother I
will require the life of man". Man is included in this. Every man. From every
man's brother, and that is an allusion to Cain killing Abel. And by the way, at
the time he said this, there was only one father and three brothers. Killing a
man is serious. Killing your brother is serious. "And I will require the life of
man". Exodus 21:12, "He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to
death"..." Full text: Life and Death in the New World John MacArthur
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "If a dangerous animal has been tamed, such as the whale, but occasionally can revert back to its instinctual nature, who is to blame for putting that animal in that situation? Surely not the animal."
Yep. I understand that this trainer had a dangling pony tail which was prohibited when working with the whales. I'm not sure why--maybe because they react to lit like a fish reacts to a lure in the water. The woman was pulled under water by the pony tail. Very sad.
There will be a day when we can swim with the whales [1] (Isa 11:6), but that is not now. We are going to have to wait for our new heaven and new earth (Re 21:1).
Response to comment [from other]: [Animals in heaven? No sea.] "Err..."
That's why I pointed it out with an
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]he killer whale did what killer whales are programmed to do..."
No argument here.
"Using an ox to plow a field is a much different scenario from kissing a killer whale to wow a crowd..."
The whale had killed before. In the other cases, I don't know if it was the whale's "fault" so to speak. Nevertheless, had they put the whale to death as God commands, the woman would likely be alive today. This animal crossed the line before and people let it do it again.
"It's just like training a lion or bear, or those dudes you see who put their head in an alligator's mouth. I'm not really offended by the animal when the man gets hurt."
Right, like
the Siegfried and Roy tiger attack.
You can't trust any wild animal.
"Is there a "stupidity" exception to the rule?"
I think people get a false confidence around these animals.
"I don't really care if they destroy it or not. Probably should, to save stupid people from themselves."
Good point. God gives us laws for a reason (Ex 21:28-29). When God says do (put to death) or don't do (murder, fornicate, kidnap, etc.) --he means don't hurt yourself or others. God's laws lead to life and well-being (Jn 10:10). He is not the cosmic killjoy that others make him out to be.
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