Knight, you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change your image
I like it.
Newbie, do you wear lip gloss and say things like "This
humidity makes my hair frizz."
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I am not the person that started this thread."
Do you support a gender neutral society?
"Cue the outrage from America's culture warriors..."
Hot pink-toe nailed boy in J. Crew ad sparks controversy
by Brett Michael Dykes
"Way to make a mountain out of a molehill."
Would you walk into a men's only cigar lounge wearing
one of your dresses?
Why or why not?
Deut 22:5,
Mt 19:4.
"What does this have to do with anything? I don't like cigars."
Say you had to buy a cigar for a man living as he
should be living--as a man (Deut
Mt 19:4). If you walked
into the club, how would you feel? Welcomed. Not so welcomed?
"What the hell is your point?"
What about the ad? For it? Against it? Is it right or wrong to increase social tension toward the homosexual? Jn 10:10.
"How about starting a new thread instead of jacking this one?"
"I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black
Panther party." ~
Forrest, Forrest Gump
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You have gotten yourself off to a very bad start..."
Now you've scared him/her/it (
does it matter any more
Response to comment [from a Christian] [TomO quote: "John 7:24 NASB. "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."]
TomO's the only one on the ball today.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I do? How do you know what I look like?
Hold on to your butts.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Well now that the cats out of the bag . . . "
Doesn't it look like Knight has a job?Your point?
I'm guessing that
skullcap smells funky.
"Again, your point being?"
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "...[S]o who are you and when did Knight perma-ban your last account?"
I was thinkING
about copyING
and pastingING
Knight's pictURE
to distriBUTE
and all
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I believe the smell originates in her own nasal passages. A little case of fungusamongus perhaps?"
"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Evil is the intention or effect of causing harm or destruction...Cigars...]
"...The Left is prone to hysteria. The belief that global warming will destroy
the world is but one of many hysterical notions held on the Left. As noted in a
previous column devoted to the Left and hysteria, many on the Left have been
hysterical about the dangers of the [Patriot] Act and the NSA surveillance of
phone numbers (incipient fascism); secondhand smoke (killing vast numbers of
people); drilling in the remotest area of Alaska (major environmental
despoliation); and opposition to same-sex marriage (imminent Christian
theocracy)..." Full text:
An Inconvenient Paranoia by Dennis Prager
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[D]on't recall the vast numbers bit being advanced, but it's a fact that second hand smoke is hazardous to your health and no one should be subjected to it without their consent..."
You fight second hand smoke.
I'll fight evil.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I do believe we are not our own, we are bought with a price, this is the temple of the Holy Spirit and cigars (among other things) do hurt the temporal but "it is not what enters into a man that defiles a man but what comes out of a man because it proceeds forth from the heart. I think the real concern is for the eternal, and the eternal is our love and concern for one another. Which obligates a brother to rebuke the wise and brothers so that they have life and that we don't give the world reason to laugh at God."
It's a compliment to Knight that you hold him to a higher standard.
Response to comment [from other]: [I like it.] "You would"
Is Knight's avatar abnormal in some way,
Csuguy (number 3 on
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List ) The 'Jesus is not God'
people (Non-trinitarians)?
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Is your avatar abnormal, or do you really look like this?"
Don't hate me
because I'm beautiful.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[W]hat part of looks like a cigar smoking night club owner did you not understand."
Were you abused
by a cigar smoking night club owner?
Is there something inherently wrong with business owners?
Are you allergic to cigars?
"I was only judging the avatar! Not the man."
What's to judge
in the avatar? Have you been watching Godfather pt II?
If you must
hate somebody--hate Fredo. "...Send Fredo off to do this, send Fredo off to do
that!...I'm smart."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "People are having a bit of fun with you."
You're a
lawyer--help us understand all of this.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Baby] "16 mths, and get this, she was conceived in the golden nugget, of all place..."
The game is afoot...
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[T]he poster has never been to Vegas..."
Why did he say that his baby "...was conceived in the
[G]olden [N]ugget". Never mind that this is
more information than anyone ever wanted to know--why do you get on someone's
case about a Vegas background in his avatar when the location was good enough
for you to start a family?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[Y]ou know that I am talking about "the strip" but you continue to defend it as if I am talking about the good folk that live on the outskirts..."
Tourists who visit the Strip are evil?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "There is a new saying here...."What happens in Vegas, ends up
on YouTube."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Prepare for some speedy backpeddling..."
Note to self--have a point.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You guys kill me....[W]e are still arguing about another man[']s outward appearance..."
said: "Knight, you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change
your image."
Perhaps you should apologize.
The ladies love
Most Interesting Man in the World Quotes
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What does it mean if you haven't figured out how to do the whole avatar thing yet?"
5800 posts?
Come on.
[Lon quote: "This thread is still going?"] "Which thread is that?"
This thread has to keep going because the new
Dos Equis commercial is out and it's freaking me out.
A few housekeeping items:
Go to: quick links, edit signature, edit avatar...simple from there.
Let's have a look at you.
This should be the new Knight:
“Speak softly. Carry a big stick.”
you look like a cigar smoking Las Vegas night club owner, change your image