Kony 2012


[Kony 2012]

Recommended Christian Ministries:

Hand in Hand in Africa

Valor Discovery Africa

Tabitha Ministries


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "The Truth Wouldn't Sell Enough Wristbands......The guy's a nut who has kidnapped children, forced them to fight or prostitute. He needs to be shot. But I hate this sort of thing..."


Here's the site's response to the criticism.

We should always get all of the facts. Prov. 24:30, 31; Heb. 6:12

"Brings us close to a God who's never short of cash. Hey Bono, I'm glad you asked ." ~ Switchfoot




Loony Clooney isn't the answer (Eccl 10:2).


This is going downhill fast. Jason Russell, co-founder of the charity Invisible Child arrested


Response to comment [from a Christian]: http://taylormarsh.com/blog/2012/03/kony-2012-co-founder-arrested-drunk-masturbating-in-public/


You provided the link. I'm so grateful. 1 Co 6:19

Note to self. Get own life in order before attempting to help others in Africa.

God cannot use the efforts of the wicked.
Mt 6:33


"The lib's have had their eyes on Uganda for sometime now.  http://townhall.com/news/world/2012/03/20/ugandas_gays_see_progress_in_public_opinion_war  I'm wondering if this Kony movement is just an excuse for B. Hussein Obama/United Nations to go in and put in a puppet government of their choice."


I don't know. They need the gospel not Hollyweird. Mt 28:19



'Kony 2012' Exec Joked About Keeping $900k Donation for Himself


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Embezzlers, drunks and perverts that expose themselves in public.  Not good PR for a supposed pro child-humanitarian cause."


Africa needs the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15; Jas. 1:18).

My daughter met women in the slums there, dying of AIDS, who had been rejected by their husbands and community. They pay rent for cardboard box homes covered with garbage bags. Believe it or not, they love their homes. They still have hope in Christ (
Eph 4:4).


"I've argued that the pro-homosexual lobby is pushing money and resources to a problem in Africa that really isn't the problem that they say it is (AIDS).  Did your daughter give you specifics on how these women contracted AIDS (were they sexually promiscuous or intravenous drug users?)."


She saw men and women near death everywhere. Some couldn't get out of bed or feed themselves. Men commit adultery (Ex 20:14) and then bring AIDS home to their wives. When Christian missionaries go there, they teach them about godly marriages (Ge 2:24).

Where the Christians have visited and the word of God has taken root (
Matt. 13:3–8, 18–23, 37, 38; Mark 4:3–20, 26–32; Luke 8:5–15), there is hope.


"You didn't address my post: in fact you played right into the Left's hands by saying that the type of AIDS in Africa is even worse than America."


I didn't quantify the epidemic in Africa. 

"I'm seeing more and more of this lately..."


My daughter saw it first hand.  AIDS is a problem in Africa.  Celebrities aren't the answer.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is (Mk 16:15).


[I didn't quantify the epidemic in Africa.] "But you just did below."


I still haven't.  Are you trying to argue that AIDS is not an epidemic in Africa?


"Is your daughter a doctor that was traveling with the necessary equipment to diagnose every sick person she saw as that of having HIV/AIDS?"


She is not a doctor.  She was introduced to many people suffering and dying from AIDS.  Do you think their claims were false? They were dying of something else?


"While I applaud Christian missionaries that are going to 3rd world countries to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, I'll reuse the words that I used to a relative in regards to another relative traveling to Nicaragua to spread the Christian gospel:  "Why didn't she go to DEEtroit or San Francisco, there are plenty of heathens there?""


There are heathens in Detroit and San Francisco. You can say one thing and the Holy Spirit can say another thing (Isa 30:21; Eze 36:27, Ac 15:28). Why not go to Africa?



[A message from Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado] "...Thank you for contacting me regarding the disarmament of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and of the LRA leader Joseph Kony. I appreciate hearing from constituents and the opportunity to respond.

The types of criminality and human rights abuse being carried out by the LRA and Joseph Kony in Uganda are deplorable, and yet until recently go on largely unknown to the American public. Thanks to more press coverage, the American public has become aware of the atrocities being committed. Rebel groups such as this one that seek to overthrow the government and terrorize the Ugandan people in the name of a religious agenda are an outrage and must be brought to the attention of the international community. I share your hope that Ugandans, who historically have already faced repression and war, find peace and stability.

As you may know, the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act was signed by the President in 2010. I am proud to have supported this important measure when it came before the House. The Act aids the stabilization of northern Uganda and other cross-border areas affected by the LRA and aims to accomplish this through development of a regional strategy and multilateral efforts to protect civilians and eliminate the threat posed by the LRA.

I am disgusted and outraged about the continued violence that is taking place under Kony, and believe that America must speak out and show concerted action in the face of these crimes against humanity. I will review what actions the U.S. is taking in Uganda and see what more can be done. Currently, a bill, House Resolution 4077, has been introduced which would authorize the Secretary of State to pay a reward for information that helps to combat transnational organized crime and capture foreign nationals wanted by international criminal tribunals. This could be very helpful in efforts to end the atrocities committed by Joseph Kony. Should this legislation come to the House floor for a vote, I will certainly keep your thoughts in mind..."


Kony 2012